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Intrinsic Justifications for Large-Cardinal Axioms
Philosophia Mathematica ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1093/philmat/nkaa038
Rupert McCallum 1

We shall defend three philosophical theses about the extent of intrinsic justification based on various technical results. We shall present a set of theorems which indicate intriguing structural similarities between a family of “weak” reflection principles roughly at the level of those considered by Tait and Koellner and a family of “strong” reflection principles roughly at the level of those of Welch and Roberts, which we claim to lend support to the view that the stronger reflection principles are intrinsically justified as well as the weaker ones. We consider connections with earlier work of Marshall.



我们将根据各种技术成果为关于内在正当性范围的三个哲学命题进行辩护。我们将提出一组定理,它们表明大致处于 Tait 和 Koellner 所考虑的水平的“弱”反射原理家族与大致处于 Welch 和 Koellner 水平的“强”反射原理家族之间有趣的结构相似性。罗伯茨,我们声称支持这样一种观点,即更强的反射原则在本质上是合理的,而弱的反射原则也是如此。我们考虑与马歇尔早期工作的联系。