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The migration of musical instruments: On the socio-technological conditions of musical evolution
Journal of New Music Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/09298215.2021.1907420
Thor Magnusson 1

Music technologies reflect the most advanced human technologies in most historical periods. Examples range from 40 thousand years old bone flutes found in caves in the Swabian Jura, through ancient Greek water organs or medieval Arabic musical automata, to today’s electronic and digital instruments with deep learning. Music technologies incorporate the musical ideas of a time and place and they disseminate those ideas when adopted by other musical cultures. This article explores how contemporary music technologies are culturally conditioned and applies the concept of ethno-organology to describe the nature of migration of instruments between musical cultures.



音乐技术反映了大多数历史时期最先进的人类技术。例如,从在Swabian Jura的洞穴中发现的4万年前的骨笛,到古希腊的水琴或中世纪的阿拉伯音乐自动机,再到今天具有深度学习的电子和数字乐器。音乐技术融合了时空的音乐观念,并在其他音乐文化采用时传播这些观念。本文探讨了当代音乐技术如何在文化上得到适应,并运用民族-组织学的概念来描述乐器在音乐文化之间迁移的本质。
