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Flexible, All-Hydrogel Supercapacitor with Self-Healing Ability
Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.128616
Yongliang Zou , Cheng Chen , Yingjuan Sun , Shuchun Gan , Liubing Dong , Jianhao Zhao , Jianhua Rong

Supercapacitors with multiple functions, such as high capacitance, high flexibility and self-healing properties, are capturing more and more attention in portable and wearable electronics. Herein, an all-hydrogel supercapacitor with multiple functions was fabricated, by sandwiching the polyaniline (PANI)-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel electrodes with a PVA-based hydrogel electrolyte which both contain the same healable and tough hydrogel matrix. The special efficient assembly between of PANI and PVA enables the hydrogel electrodes with superior electric conductivity of 136 S m-1 and large specific capacitance of 351 F g-1, as well as the great robustness and self-healing ability. The all-hydrogel supercapacitor exhibited a tensile strength of 2.21 MPa, a breaking elongation of 633%, a capacitance of 78.5 F g-1, and an energy density of 7.8 Wh kg-1. Due to its great toughness and flexibility, the supercapacitor could maintain stable energy output even after being subjected to various deformations (e. g., stretching, compressing, bending and even pinning). In addition, the severed supercapacitor could heal itself within 4 h at 70 °C, and the healed supercapacitor could restore good electrochemical properties with a healing efficiency of 49.8%. These highlighted properties enable this supercapacitor as a promising smart storage device for wearable application.



具有多种功能(例如高电容,高柔韧性和自愈特性)的超级电容器在便携式和可穿戴电子产品中越来越受到关注。在此,通过将聚苯胺(PANI)-聚乙烯醇(PVA)水凝胶电极与均包含相同的可修复且坚韧的水凝胶基质的PVA基水凝胶电解质夹在中间,从而制造出具有多种功能的全水凝胶超级电容器。PANI和PVA之间的特殊高效组装使水凝胶电极具有136 S m -1的优异电导率和351 F g -1的大比电容以及强大的鲁棒性和自我修复能力。全水凝胶超级电容器的抗张强度为2.21 MPa,断裂伸长率为633%,电容为78.5 F g -1,能量密度为7.8 Wh kg -1。由于超级电容器的强韧性和柔韧性,即使在经历各种变形(例如,拉伸,压缩,弯曲甚至钉扎)后,超级电容器也可以保持稳定的能量输出。此外,切断的超级电容器可以在70°C下4 h内自我修复,并且复原的超级电容器可以恢复良好的电化学性能,治愈率为49.8%。这些突出的特性使该超级电容器成为可穿戴应用的有前途的智能存储设备。
