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Curating experience: Composition as cultural technology – a conversation
Journal of New Music Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1080/09298215.2021.1898646
Claudia Molitor 1 , Thor Magnusson 2

This conversation between Thor Magnusson and Claudia Molitor introduces the idea of composition as cultural technology, where compositions are understood as systems that create spaces within which ‘things’ can occur and can be explored. In this conception of composition, the composer becomes the curator of an experience for an audience, shifting the focus of the work on the encounter of the audience. Talking about some of Molitor’s pieces from the past decade, the discussion explores how these ideas can manifest in compositional practice.



托尔·马格努森(Thor Magnusson)和克劳迪娅·莫利托(Claudia Molitor)之间的对话介绍了作为文化技术的构图概念,其中构图被理解为创造可发生“事物”并进行探索的空间的系统。在这种构图概念中,作曲家成为观众体验的策展人,将工作重心转移到观众的遭遇上。在谈到过去十年Molitor的一些作品时,讨论探讨了这些想法如何在作曲实践中得以体现。
