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Ferroelectric Domain Structures in Monoclinic (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 Epitaxial Thin Films
Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25 , DOI: 10.1002/pssr.202100127
Jin Luo 1, 2 , Lisha Liu 2 , Su-Wei Zhang 2, 3 , Jing-Feng Li 2

Ferroelectric domain walls (DWs) are an important feature of ferroelectric materials and play a vital role in the ferroelectric materials, where charged DWs are a focus of extensive research due to their unique interfacial properties. Herein, epitaxial (K,Na)NbO3 (KNN)-based thin films are prepared by a sol–gel method, and the monoclinic MC structure of the thin film is confirmed. Stripe-shaped domain patterns with head-to-head and tail-to-tail charged DWs in the (110)pc and (1¯10)pc planes are observed in the KNN-based epitaxial thin film. Although the screening of the bound charges in the charged DWs inevitably increases the energy of the system, the charged DWs in the KNN-based epitaxial thin film are stabilized by the lattice mismatch strain between the thin film and the substrate. These interesting findings should shed light on the exploration of the functional charged DWs by strain engineering.


单斜 (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 外延薄膜中的铁电畴结构

铁电畴壁(DWs)是铁电材料的一个重要特征,在铁电材料中起着至关重要的作用,其中带电畴壁由于其独特的界面性质而成为广泛研究的焦点。在此,通过溶胶-凝胶法制备了外延 (K,Na)NbO 3 (KNN) 基薄膜,并证实了薄膜的单斜 M C结构。在(110)pc和(1¯10)pc中具有头对头和尾对尾带电DW的条纹状域模式在基于 KNN 的外延薄膜中观察到平面。尽管带电 DW 中束缚电荷的屏蔽不可避免地增加了系统的能量,但基于 KNN 的外延薄膜中的带电 DW 通过薄膜和衬底之间的晶格失配应变得到稳定。这些有趣的发现应该阐明通过应变工程探索功能性带电 DW。