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Engineering stable and fast sodium diffusion route by constructing hierarchical MoS2 hollow spheres
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.03.112
Xu Wu , Xingchen Xie , Huanhuan Zhang , Ke-Jing Huang

Two-dimensional layered transition metal dichalcogenides, such as MoS2, have been considered to be a promising anode material for sodium storage. However, their performance have been limited by the sluggish sodium diffusion kinetics. In this work, high performance anode material was obtained through constructing hierarchical MoS2 nanosheets assembled hollow spheres. The used self-templating method show more feasibility than the commonly reported template removal-involved routes. The prepared hollow structure can also provide rapid and stable electron/sodium ion transport without the assistance of conducting substrates, which enables the MoS2 anodes exhibit a high specific capacity of 527 mAh g−1 at 0.1 A g−1. Even at a high current density of 1 A g−1, capacity of 357 mAh g−1 can still be obtained after 500 cycles (capacity retention ~94.5%). This work provides a facile way towards high performance MoS2 anode materials for sodium-ion battery.


通过构造分层的MoS 2空心球来设计稳定且快速的钠扩散途径

二维分层过渡金属二卤化物,例如MoS 2,被认为是用于钠存储的有希望的阳极材料。然而,它们的性能受到缓慢的钠扩散动力学的限制。在这项工作中,通过构造分层的MoS 2纳米片组装空心球获得了高性能阳极材料。与通常报道的涉及模板去除的路线相比,所使用的自模板化方法显示出更大的可行性。所制备的中空结构还可以在不借助导电基底的情况下提供快速且稳定的电子/钠离子传输,这使得MoS 2阳极在0.1 A g -1时显示出527 mAh g -1的高比容量。。即使在1 A g -1的高电流密度下,经过500次循环仍可获得357 mAh g -1的容量(容量保持率〜94.5%)。这项工作提供了一种用于钠离子电池高性能MoS 2负极材料的简便方法。
