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Dance Across Cultures: Joint Action Aesthetics in Japan and the UK
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374211001800
Ernesto Monroy 1, 2 , Toshie Imada 1 , Noam Sagiv 1 , Guido Orgs 3

Western European and East Asian cultures show marked differences in aesthetic appreciation of the visual arts. East Asian aesthetics are often associated with a holistic focus on balance and harmony, in contrast to Western aesthetics, which often focus on the expression of the individual. In this study, we examined whether cultural differences also exist in relation to the aesthetics of dance. Japanese and British participants completed an online survey in which they evaluated synchronous and asynchronous dance video clips on eight semantic differential scales. We observed that the aesthetics of group dance depend on cultural background. Specifically, British participants preferred asynchronous over synchronous dance whereas Japanese participants equally liked synchronous and asynchronous dance movement. For both cultures, preferences were based on distinct semantic associations with movement synchrony. We argue that cultural differences in aesthetic perception of group dance relate to the culturally specific social signals conveyed by unison movement.



