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Foaming Mechanism of SiC in Steel Slag Foamed Ceramics
ISIJ International ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.isijint-2020-271
Wenqiu Fang 1 , Linjie Hou 1 , Yu Li 1

Steel slag discharged from steel-making process is a kind of huge secondary resources and hard to be reused. Foamed ceramics are building materials used in the wall insulation and could be a potential goal product for huge amount and high value-added utilization of solid waste. In this paper, foamed ceramics containing 30 wt.% steel slag and using SiC as foaming agent were prepared. The effects of SiC content and sintering temperature on its properties were studied, and the difference of foaming mechanism between in steel slag ceramics and in traditional clay ceramics was discussed. The results showed that the foamed ceramics sintered at 1160°C had a qualified properties with density of 0.50 g/cm3 and flexural strength of 2.6 MPa, and only 0.1 wt.% SiC was added into it, which is an order of magnitude lower than 1–3 wt.% SiC added in traditional clay foamed ceramic. SiO2 formed from oxidation of SiC had reacted with CaO and Fe2O3 component derived from steel slag to generate new minerals, augite and anorthite. The reactions not only significantly promoted reaction rate of oxidation of SiC from 4.9% to 73.5%, but also widened temperature range of the oxidation reaction, contributing to foaming process of ceramics and thereby substantial saving of SiC.

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炼钢过程中产生的钢渣是一种巨大的二次资源,难以再利用。泡沫陶瓷是用于墙体保温的建筑材料,并且可能成为大量和高附加值利用固体废物的潜在目标产品。在本文中,制备了包含30重量%钢渣并使用SiC作为发泡剂的泡沫陶瓷。研究了SiC含量和烧结温度对其性能的影响,探讨了钢渣陶瓷与传统粘土陶瓷起泡机理的区别。结果表明,在1160°C烧结的泡沫陶瓷具有合格的性能,密度为0.50 g / cm 3抗折强度为2.6 MPa,仅加入0.1 wt。%SiC,这比传统粘土泡沫陶瓷中加入的1-3 wt。%SiC低一个数量级。由SiC氧化形成的SiO 2与来自钢渣的CaO和Fe 2 O 3成分发生反应,生成新的矿物质,钠长石和钙长石。该反应不仅将SiC的氧化反应速率从4.9%显着提高到73.5%,而且拓宽了氧化反应的温度范围,有助于陶瓷的发泡过程,从而大量节省了SiC。
