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‘Allahı Zikr Edilim’ (Let Us Do Zikr for Allah): The Sabbatian Appropriation of the Sufi Practice of Zikr as Religious Renewal
Zutot ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-14 , DOI: 10.1163/18750214-12161002
Hadar Feldman Samet 1

This article introduces the idea of religious renewal as it was manifested in the ritual practices of the Sabbatian Maʾaminim of Salonica – followers of Shabbtai Tzvi who converted from Judaism to Islam during the 1680s, in the footsteps of their Messiah. The religious renewal of the Maʾaminim is demonstrated by the appropriation of the Sufi-Muslim practice, known as zikr, as part of their ritual singing. The appropriation of zikr practices by the Maʾaminim is understood in the context of the rise of this practice throughout all of Ottoman Muslim society, specifically as part of ilahi singing, demonstrating religious innovation in Ottoman culture at the beginning of the modern era.


'AlahıZikr Edilim'(让我们为Zikr做安拉):萨巴特人对Zikr的苏菲实践进行宗教复兴

本文介绍了宗教复兴的思想,这一思想在萨洛尼卡的塞巴特人马巴米宁(Sabbatian Maʾaminim)的礼节实践中得到了体现。沙巴蒂夫(Shabbtai Tzvi)的追随者在1680年代从犹太教转变为伊斯兰教,跟随着弥赛亚的脚步。对Maʾaminim的宗教改造表现为对苏菲回教徒习俗的称赞(zikr)的使用,这是其仪式歌唱的一部分。的拨款赞念由Ma'aminim实践了解,在整个奥斯曼帝国的所有穆斯林社会的这种做法崛起的背景下,具体的部分ilahi唱歌,在现代化的时代的开始展现在奥斯曼文化宗教创新。
