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εἰ δή τις … συκοφαντοίη: Impiety and the fiscus Iudaicus in Josephus, War 1.11
Journal for the Study of Judaism ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1163/15700631-12511296
Blake Wassell 1

The article discusses the meaning of εἰ δή τις … συκοφαντοίη (“If any critic carps,” or “recklessly impugns”) in Josephus, War 1.11. The overarching problem comprises the accusation the author imagines he may face and his nuanced response to it. The way Josephus and comparable authors use συκοφαντέω is the initial issue. The larger one is if the author might be saying something about the fiscus Iudaicus and its potential maladministration. The proposal is that Josephus denounces the stereotyping of Judean identity in terms of cultic impiety, a stereotype that allowed the funnelling of maiestas accusations through the tax treasury. Josephus’ cynicism toward the Iudaea capta discourse, not least the Flavians’ looting the temple and hijacking its tax, darkens his expression of piety in War’s prologue with irony and vitriole.


εἰδήτις…συκοφαντοίη:罪恶与约瑟夫斯战争中的榕Iudaicus 1.11

本文讨论了《约瑟夫斯》(《战争》 1.11版)中εἰδήτις…συκοφαντοίη(“如果有批评家在发牢骚”或“鲁ck无礼”的意思)的含义。最主要的问题包括作者想像自己可能会面临的指控以及对此的微妙反应。约瑟夫斯(Josephus)和可比作者运用συκοφαντέω的方式是最初的问题。更大的问题是,作者是否可能在谈论有关尤达库斯岛的榕树及其潜在的管理不善问题。该提案是约瑟夫谴责犹太身份的邪教不虔诚方面的成见,允许的漏斗刻板印象maiestas指责通过税收国库约瑟夫斯对爱达荷岛的冷嘲热讽话语,尤其是弗拉维安人抢劫圣殿并劫持圣殿的税金,使他在战争序言中的讽刺和琐事使他对虔诚的表达变得更加黑暗。
