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Studies on the Pharmacological actions of Laurifoline chloride, the alkaloid from Cocculus laurifolius DC.
Folia Pharmacologica Japonica Pub Date : 1955-01-01 , DOI: 10.1254/fpj.51.5_595
Toyoji MAEDA

The actions of laurifoline chloride, a quaternary ammonium base isolated from Cocculus laurifolius DC., were investigated in detail. Laurifoline showed predominant vasodepressive and very weak curarelike action. It was further proved that this alkaloid had marked nicotinolytic but no atropine-like, no muscarine-like, no histamine liberating, nor adrenolytic actions. It is worth noting that laurifoline is a natural alkaloid belonging to groups of drugs which exert the typical action of ganglion blocking agents.


月桂Cocculus laurifolius DC生物碱氯化Laurifoline的药理作用研究。

详细研究了月桂碱氯化物(Laurfoline chloride)的作用,该氯化物是从月桂Cocculus分离的季铵盐碱。劳瑞福林显示出主要的血管舒缩压和非常弱的咖喱状作用。进一步证明该生物碱具有明显的烟碱分解作用,但无阿托品样,毒蕈碱样,无组胺释放或肾上腺素分解作用。值得注意的是,月桂酚碱是一种天然生物碱,属于具有神经节阻滞剂典型作用的药物组。