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Eco-Friendly Oleogels from Functionalized Kraft Lignin with Laccase SilA from Streptomyces ipomoeae: An Opportunity to Replace Commercial Lubricants
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c00113
Gabriela Domínguez 1 , Alba Blánquez 1 , Antonio M. Borrero-López 2 , Concepción Valencia 2 , María Eugenia Eugenio 3 , María Enriqueta Arias 1 , Juana Rodríguez 1 , Manuel Hernández 1

This work demonstrates the usefulness of SilA laccase from Streptomyces ipomoeae to functionalize Kraft lignin to be used as a thickener in the preparation of biodegradable oleogels for lubricating purposes. First, conditions for the enzymatic reaction were optimized by determining the polymerization degree of lignin along the incubation time. Next, using rheological characteristics as a response function, the Kraft lignin amount and incubation time were optimized to get the best characteristics of functionalized Kraft lignin to be used as a thickener in castor oil oleogels. In both cases, response surface methodology (RSM) with a factorial design 23 was applied. The results obtained demonstrated that Kraft lignin was oxidized by recombinant laccase from S. ipomoeae (SilA) increasing its reactivity and, as consequence, the molecular weight average. It was estimated that the highest polymerization occurred with a Kraft lignin concentration of 1.25 g/L and an incubation time of 24.0 min. Moreover, the maximum values of the “plateau modulus” for the oleogels within the limits of the studied region were reached with 66.6 g/L of Kraft lignin and a reaction time of 1.98 h. In conclusion, eco-friendly oleogels obtained in this work fulfil the industrial requirements concerning their rheological properties to be considered as an efficient and biodegradable alternative to traditional lubricants containing lithium as the thickener.



这项工作证明了来自链霉菌的SilA漆酶对卡夫木质素的功能化有用,可在制备可润滑的可生物降解的烯烃时用作增稠剂。首先,通过确定沿着孵育时间的木质素的聚合度来优化酶促反应的条件。接下来,使用流变学特性作为响应函数,对硫酸盐法木质素的量和孵育时间进行了优化,以获得功能化的硫酸盐法木质素的最佳特性,以用作蓖麻油烯烃的增稠剂。在这两种情况下,都采用了析因设计为2 3的响应面方法(RSM)。获得的结果证明牛皮纸上的木质素被S. ipomoeae的重组漆酶氧化(SilA)提高其反应性,并因此提高分子量平均值。据估计,在牛皮纸木质素浓度为1.25 g / L,孵育时间为24.0分钟时,发生了最高的聚合反应。此外,在66.6 g / L的硫酸盐木质素和1.98 h的反应时间下,达到了所研究区域范围内油蛋白的“平稳模量”的最大值。总之,在这项工作中获得的环保型烯烃满足其流变性能的工业要求,被认为是含锂作为增稠剂的传统润滑剂的有效且可生物降解的替代品。