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The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on the perception of digitisation in the purchasing process: customers and retailers perspective
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1108/jeee-07-2020-0260
Jiri Dvorak , Lenka Komarkova , Lukas Stehlik


The market for goods and services is a continually changing environment influenced by many internal and external factors. The majority of economies in the World were deeply hit by the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) in the first half of 2020. This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of a crisis, COVID-19 in this case, in moderating the market environment and its ability to accelerate or slow down ongoing processes.


A questionnaire survey was used to obtain the opinions of 100 customers and 100 local retailers on the digitisation of the shopping process in a medium-sized Czech town. After the first wave of crisis faded away, the respondents reflected on their opinions before, during and after the crisis. The data were processed using linear mixed models respecting repeated measures.


The crisis seems to have shifted the interest of both groups towards e-commerce but it did not change the disproportion in opinions between them. The interest of customers was significantly higher, even after the crisis.

Research limitations/implications

The credibility of the results is limited mainly by the one-time gathering of the data after the crisis. However, the results indicate a persistent challenge to which small retailers are exposed.


The originality of the results comes from the specific situation brought about by the COVID-19 crisis and the structure of respondents, enabling us to catch an immediate shift of opinions caused by the crisis and to compare the changes in both groups of respondents.


COVID-19 危机对采购过程中数字化认知的影响:客户和零售商的观点


商品和服务市场是一个不断变化的环境,受许多内部和外部因素的影响。2020 年上半年,世界上大多数经济体都受到了冠状病毒流行 (COVID-19) 的严重打击。本文旨在帮助理解危机(在这种情况下为 COVID-19)在缓和中的作用。市场环境及其加速或减缓正在进行的过程的能力。


通过问卷调查,获得了 100 位顾客和 100 家当地零售商对捷克某中型城镇购物流程数字化的意见。第一波危机消退后,受访者对危机前、危机中和危机后的看法进行了反思。使用关于重复测量的线性混合模型处理数据。






结果的独创性来自于 COVID-19 危机带来的具体情况和受访者的结构,使我们能够及时捕捉到危机引起的观点转变,并比较两组受访者的变化。
