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Facing and responding to the COVID-19 threat – an empirical examination of MSMEs
European Business Review ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1108/ebr-09-2020-0231
Abel Duarte Alonso , Alessandro Bressan , Seng Kiat Kok , Nikolaos Sakellarios , Alex Koresis , Michelle O’Shea , Maria Alejandra Buitrago Solis , Leonardo J. Santoni


The purpose of this study is to examine the effects and ways to confront the devastating effects of the COVID-19 crisis and develop a theoretical framework to facilitate understanding of these aspects from the perspective of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). In doing so, the fundamental insights of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, bricolage and improvisation are considered.


The study draws on data from 56 business owners-managers operating in eight different nations and representing three geographical regions; the data were gathered through an online questionnaire.


Various differences in responses from participants operating in the featured geographical settings were revealed. For instance, whereas a higher percentage of South American participants acknowledged financial impacts, they and their European counterparts were also more engaged.


The study provides various original and valuable elements. First, by gathering data from business owners-managers operating in different countries and geographical regions, it provides an international perspective concerning ways in which business operators confront an extreme event. Second, and related to the previous point, the study focusses on a business group (MSMEs), which is fundamental for many nations’ economies. Moreover, the experiences of MSMEs could be timely and insightful to industry and business stakeholders. Third, the proposed theoretical framework highlights various emerging dimensions associated with adaptation and responsiveness, with both theoretical and practical implications.


面对和应对 COVID-19 威胁——对中小微企业的实证检验


本研究的目的是研究应对 COVID-19 危机的破坏性影响的影响和方法,并制定一个理论框架,以促进从微型、中小型企业 (MSME) 的角度理解这些方面。在此过程中,考虑了企业家自我效能、拼凑和即兴创作的基本见解。


该研究利用了来自 8 个不同国家和代表三个地理区域的 56 位企业主经理的数据;数据是通过在线问卷收集的。




该研究提供了各种原创和有价值的元素。首先,通过收集在不同国家和地理区域经营的企业主-经理的数据,它提供了关于企业经营者应对极端事件的方式的国际视角。其次,与前一点相关,该研究侧重于对许多国家的经济至关重要的商业集团 (MSME)。此外,中小微企业的经验对行业和商业利益相关者来说可能是及时且富有洞察力的。第三,拟议的理论框架突出了与适应和响应相关的各种新兴维度,具有理论和实践意义。
