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Promoting Britain’s fight: Duff Cooper’s 1939–40 lecture tour and American public opinion during the ‘Phoney War’
Historical Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-10 , DOI: 10.1093/hisres/htaa030
Bradley W Hart 1 , Richard Carr 2

From October 1939 to March 1940, Conservative member of parliament Alfred Duff Cooper and his wife Diana toured the United States. Their public appearances drew thousands of audience members and provoked the ire of isolationists, but the true importance of the Coopers’ tour lay in the conversations they undertook with prominent Americans. This article examines the controversy surrounding the Coopers’ wartime tour of the U.S., the significance of the trip and the conclusions both drew from their visit. These would have a demonstrable impact on British public relations efforts, particularly after Duff Cooper’s appointment as minister of information.


促进英国的战斗:达夫·库珀(Duff Cooper)1939–40年的巡回演讲和“电话战争”期间的美国舆论

从1939年10月到1940年3月,国会保守党议员阿尔弗雷德·达夫·库珀(Alfred Duff Cooper)和他的妻子戴安娜(Diana)访美。他们的公开露面吸引了成千上万的观众,激起了孤立主义者的愤怒,但是库珀之行的真正重要性在于他们与知名美国人的对话。本文考察了库珀在战时美国之行中的争议,此行的意义以及双方从访问中得出的结论。这将对英国的公共关系工作产生明显影响,特别是在达夫·库珀(Duff Cooper)被任命为新闻部长之后。