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Surrogate-Assisted Parametric Study of a Wing Fences for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Journal of Aircraft ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.2514/1.c035836
Jolan Wauters 1 , Joris Degroote 1

In this paper the application of a wing fence on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is examined. The UAV under consideration is characterized by flow separation initiating at the tip, leading to a loss of lift and controllability and the appearance of a nose-up pitching moment. A possible solution to this problem is the use of wing fences: plates placed on top of the wing aligned with the flow and developed from the idea of stopping the transverse component of the boundary-layer flow. Firstly, existing theories in regard to the working of wing fences are brought together. Secondly, the sensitivity of stall speed and controllability to the design variables of the wing fence are laid bare. Finally, the aerodynamic and stability characteristics of the UAV as a function of the design variables are assessed. To accomplish the aforementioned three objectives in both an affordable and accurate manner, computational fluid dynamics simulations using the γReθ model to correctly model the low Reynolds effects that characterize the flow over a UAV and surrogate modeling in the form of regressive universal cokriging are brought together.



本文研究了机翼围栏在无人飞行器(UAV)上的应用。所考虑的无人机的特点是在尖端开始进行流分离,从而导致升力和可控制性的损失以及俯仰俯仰力矩的出现。解决此问题的一种可能方法是使用机翼围栏:放置在机翼顶部的板与气流对齐,并且是从阻止边界层流的横向分量的想法发展而来的。首先,将有关机翼围栏工作的现有理论归纳在一起。其次,揭示了失速速度和可控性对机翼围栏设计变量的敏感性。最后,评估了作为设计变量的函数的无人机的空气动力学和稳定性特征。γ-[RËθ 正确建模低雷诺效应的模型,这些低雷诺效应表征了无人机上的流动,并以回归通用共克里金的形式进行了替代建模。
