Personality and Individual Differences ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.110805 Hillary S. Schaefer , Kevin A. Bigelman , Nicholas H. Gist , Richard M. Lerner
Perceived gender differences remain salient in occupational settings and biases that arise maintain inequalities. We examined rater behavior of male military cadets to test how hostile sexism impacted occupationally-relevant attributions, namely, perception of peers' physical fitness, social skill, and military demeanor, items from a larger rating system and previously linked to gender bias. Linear mixed models determined how ratings were influenced by raters' own beliefs or performance, ratee performance, and whether these relationships differed by ratee gender (N = 2520 raters and 4154 ratees). Men with sexist beliefs rated women lower on military demeanor and physical fitness. Sexism was further associated with rating women's physical fitness, more so than other men's, according to push-up scores, suggesting sexist men “keep track” of women's upper body capabilities. Physical fitness scores were positively related to military demeanor rating for women but unrelated to men's score, regardless of rater's sexism. Overall, ratings were associated with different performance characteristics for men vs. women, especially for physical abilities, suggesting a mechanism for expression of gender bias in a field setting.

在职业环境中,性别差异仍然很明显,并且产生的偏见维持不平等。我们研究了男性军校生的评分者行为,以测试敌对性别歧视如何影响与职业相关的归因,即对同龄人身体健康,社交技能和军事举止的感知,以及来自较大评分系统的项目,这些项目以前与性别偏见相关。线性混合模型确定了评估者自己的信念或绩效,评估者绩效如何影响评估,以及这些关系是否因评估者性别而异(N = 2520位评分者和4154位评分者)。有性别歧视信念的男人在军事风度和身体素质方面对女人的评价较低。根据俯卧撑分数,性别歧视与女性身体素质的评估进一步相关,比其他男性更是如此,这表明性别歧视男性“保持追踪”女性上半身的能力。女性的体能得分与军事风度等级成正相关,而与男性的得分无关,而与评估者的性别歧视无关。总体而言,男性和女性的评分与不同的表现特征相关,尤其是身体能力,这表明在田野环境中表达性别偏见的机制。