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Development of Streamlined Life-Cycle Assessment for the Solid Waste Management System
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c07461
Yixuan Wang 1 , James W. Levis 1 , Morton A. Barlaz 1

Life-cycle assessments (LCAs) of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) systems are time- and data-intensive. Reducing the data requirements for inventory and impact assessments will facilitate the wider use of LCAs during early system planning and design. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a systematic framework for streamlining LCAs by identifying the most critical impacts, life-cycle inventory emissions, and inputs based on their contributions to the total impacts and their effect on the rankings of 18 alternative MSWM scenarios. The scenarios are composed of six treatment processes: landfills, waste-to-energy combustion, single-stream recycling, mixed waste recycling, anaerobic digestion, and composting. The full LCA uses 1752 flows of resources and emissions, 10 impact categories, 3 normalization references, and 7 weighting schemes, and these were reduced using the streamlined LCA approach proposed in this study. Human health cancer, ecotoxicity, eutrophication, and fossil fuel depletion contribute 75–83% to the total impacts across all scenarios. It was found that 3.3% of the inventory flows contribute ≥95% of the overall environmental impact. The highest-ranked strategies are consistent between the streamlined and full LCAs. The results provide guidance on which impacts, flows, and inputs to prioritize during early strategy design.



城市固体废物管理(MSWM)系统的生命周期评估(LCA)需要大量时间和数据。减少清单和影响评估的数据需求,将有助于在早期系统规划和设计过程中更广泛地使用LCA。因此,本研究的目的是通过确定最关键的影响,生命周期清单排放和投入,基于它们对总影响的贡献及其对18种替代MSWM方案排名的影响,来开发一种简化LCAs的系统框架。 。这些方案由六个处理过程组成:垃圾填埋场,废物转化为能源的燃烧,单流回收,混合废物回收,厌氧消化和堆肥。完整的生命周期评估使用1752个资源和排放流,10个影响类别,3个规范化参考,和7种加权方案,并使用本研究中提出的简化LCA方法减少了这些方案。在所有情况下,人类健康癌症,生态毒性,富营养化和化石燃料消耗占总影响的75-83%。发现3.3%的库存流量对整体环境影响的贡献≥95%。简化后的LCA与完整的LCA之间,排名最高的策略是一致的。结果为在早期策略设计期间应优先考虑哪些影响,流量和投入提供了指导。3%的库存流量对整个环境的影响≥95%。简化后的LCA与完整的LCA之间,排名最高的策略是一致的。结果为在早期策略设计期间应优先考虑哪些影响,流量和投入提供了指导。3%的库存流量对整个环境的影响≥95%。简化后的LCA与完整的LCA之间,排名最高的策略是一致的。结果为在早期策略设计期间应优先考虑哪些影响,流量和投入提供了指导。