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Enhanced interlaminar shear and impact performance of woven carbon/epoxy composites interleaved with needle punched high performance polyethylene fiber nonwoven
Journal of Applied Polymer Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1002/app.50683
Abdul Jabbar 1 , Ahsan Ahmad 1 , Muhammad Adnan 1 , Yasir Nawab 1 , Zafar Javed 2 , Muhammad Irfan 1

In this study, high‐performance polyethylene (HPPE) fiber‐based needle punched nonwovens were interleaved in cross‐plied woven carbon fabric/epoxy composite laminates to enhance their interlaminar and impact properties. The placement of needle punched nonwoven interleaves exhibited considerable enhancement in interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), impact damage tolerance, and compression after impact (CAI) strength of laminates as evidenced by higher interlaminar strength, less absorbed energy, higher elastic energy, reduced damage degree, reduced out‐of‐plane deformation, higher load‐bearing capacity, and higher residual compressive strength as compared to control sample. In particular, the composite laminate with placement of interleaves in alternating sequence between carbon plies resulted in 205.76% increase in ILSS and 129, 103 and 85% increase in CAI at 10, 25, and 40 J impact energy, respectively. Moreover, damaged surface area and out‐of‐plane deformation reduced to 38.75% and 62.5%, respectively for the same specimen impacted at 40 J energy. These results suggest that the HPPE fiber‐based needle punched nonwoven interleaving can be adopted as a simple and low‐cost approach compared with other interleaving techniques, to enhance the resistance to delamination, impact performance, and damage tolerance of traditional structural laminates.



在这项研究中,将高性能聚乙烯(HPPE)纤维基针刺无纺布插入交叉叠合的机织碳纤维织物/环氧复合材料层压板中,以增强其层间和冲击性能。针刺非织造夹层的放置表现出层合物的层间剪切强度(ILSS),冲击破坏耐受性和冲击后压缩(CAI)强度的显着提高,这表现为更高的层间强度,更少的吸收能,更高的弹性能,降低的破坏度与对照样品相比,减少了平面外变形,具有更高的承重能力和更高的残余抗压强度。特别是,在碳层之间以交替顺序放置交错结构的复合层压板,ILSS和129的增加了205.76%,在10、25和40 J的冲击能量下,CAI分别增加103和85%。此外,同一试样在40 J能量的作用下,受损的表面积和面外变形分别降低至38.75%和62.5%。这些结果表明,与其他交织技术相比,可以将基于HPPE纤维的针刺无纺布交织技术作为一种简单且低成本的方法,以增强传统结构层压板的抗分层性,抗冲击性能和破坏耐受性。