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Near-Optimal Scheduling for Petri Net Models With Forbidden Markings
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-30 , DOI: 10.1109/tac.2017.2767827
Dimitri Lefebvre

This paper is about control design for discrete event systems modeled with Petri nets. It addresses the problems of reachability and of firing sequence design. The untimed and timed cases are successively studied by searching control sequences from an initial marking to a reference one with length or duration that approach the minimal value, avoiding forbidden states and nonpromising branches. The proposed algorithms are applicable to a large class of discrete event systems in particular in the domain of flexible manufacturing, engineering. To accelerate the computation and make robust the control strategy, only a small area of the reachability graph is worked out and an approach inspired from model predictive control is used. The approach is suitable for deadlock-free scheduling and fault-tolerant control problems.


带有禁止标记的 Petri 网模型的近最优调度

本文是关于用 Petri 网建模的离散事件系统的控制设计。它解决了可达性和触发序列设计的问题。通过搜索从初始标记到长度或持续时间接近最小值的参考序列的控制序列,连续研究不定时和定时情况,避免禁止状态和无希望分支。所提出的算法适用于一大类离散事件系统,特别是在柔性制造、工程领域。为了加速计算并使控制策略更加稳健,仅计算出可达性图的一小部分区域,并使用受模型预测控制启发的方法。该方法适用于无死锁调度和容错控制问题。