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Performance Optimization for Timed Weighted Marked Graphs Under Infinite Server Semantics
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-24 , DOI: 10.1109/tac.2017.2766202
Zhou He , Zhiwu Li , Alessandro Giua

This paper deals with the performance optimization of resource allocation systems with the aim of maximizing the system's throughput under a given budget for acquiring resources. Resources are assumed to be renewable, i.e., they are not consumed by the operations and become available again after they have been released. The systems under consideration are modeled by a subclass of timed Petri nets called deterministic timed weighted marked graphs. In addition, we take into account infinite server semantics, i.e., the degree of self-concurrency of each transition is infinite. We propose an approach that provides an optimal solution, but has a high computational cost. For this reason, we also present two different approaches that can find suboptimal solutions with a reduced computational cost. The performances of the proposed approaches are compared by means of numerical simulations.



本文研究资源分配系统的性能优化,目的是在给定的资源获取预算下最大化系统的吞吐量。资源被假定为可再生的,即它们不会被操作消耗并且在释放后再次可用。所考虑的系统由称为确定性时间加权标记图的定时 Petri 网子类建模。另外,我们考虑到无限服务器语义,即每个转换的自并发程度是无限的。我们提出了一种提供最佳解决方案的方法,但计算成本较高。因此,我们还提出了两种不同的方法,可以以降低的计算成本找到次优解决方案。通过数值模拟来比较所提出方法的性能。