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Minimization of Sensor Activation in Decentralized Discrete-Event Systems
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-13 , DOI: 10.1109/tac.2017.2783048
Xiang Yin , Stephane Lafortune

We investigate the problem of dynamic sensor activation for decentralized decision making in partially observed discrete-event systems, where the system is monitored by a set of agents. The sensors of each agent can be turned on/off online dynamically according to a sensor activation policy. We define a general decentralized decision-making problem called the decentralized state disambiguation problem, which covers the decentralized control problem, the decentralized fault diagnosis problem, and the decentralized fault prognosis problem. The goal is to find a language-based minimal sensor activation policy for each agent such that the agents can always make a correct global decision as a team. A novel approach to solve this problem is proposed. We adopt a person-by-person approach to decompose this decentralized minimization problem into two centralized constrained minimization problems. Each centralized constrained minimization problem is then reduced to a fully centralized sensor activation problem that is solved effectively in the literature. The solution obtained is provably language-based minimal with respect to the system language.


