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Quasi-Continuous MIMO Sliding-Mode Control
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-29 , DOI: 10.1109/tac.2017.2778251
Arie Levant , Boris Shustin

High-order sliding-mode (HOSM) control is called quasi-continuous (QC), if it remains continuous everywhere except the HOSM set, where the sliding variables and their derivatives vanish. Such sliding-mode (SM) control features less chattering. Homogeneous QC SM control is designed for the general uncertain multi-input multi-output case and provides any predefined control smoothness level outside of the HOSM set.


准连续 MIMO 滑模控制

高阶滑模 (HOSM) 控制称为准连续 (QC),如果它在除 HOSM 集之外的各处保持连续,其中滑动变量及其导数消失。这种滑模(SM)控制的特点是抖动较少。齐次 QC SM 控制专为一般不确定的多输入多输出情况而设计,并提供 HOSM 集之外的任何预定义控制平滑度级别。