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Distance-Based Control of $\mathcal {K}_{n}$ Formations in General Space With Almost Global Convergence
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-22 , DOI: 10.1109/tac.2017.2776524
Myoung-Chul Park , Zhiyong Sun , Brian D. O. Anderson , Hyo-Sung Ahn

In this paper, we propose a distance-based formation control strategy for a group of mobile agents to achieve almost global convergence to a target formation shape provided that the formation is represented by a complete graph, and each agent is governed by a single-integrator model. The fundamental idea of achieving almost global convergence is to use a virtual formation of which the dimension is augmented with some virtual coordinates. We define a cost function associated with the virtual formation and apply the gradient-descent algorithm to the cost function so that the function has a global minimum at the target formation shape. We show that all agents finally achieve the target formation shape for almost all initial conditions under the proposed control law.


一般空间中几乎全局收敛的 $\mathcal {K}_{n}$ 编队的基于距离的控制
