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Nonlinear Antiswing Control for Crane Systems With Double-Pendulum Swing Effects and Uncertain Parameters: Design and Experiments
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-25 , DOI: 10.1109/tase.2017.2723539
Ning Sun , Yiming Wu , Yongchun Fang , He Chen

In practical applications, industrial cranes may exhibit double-pendulum swing effects, due to many factors, such as large payload scales and non-negligible hook masses. Currently, for double-pendulum cranes, most available methods are open-loop controllers designed based on linearized crane dynamics; even for existing closed-loop approaches, they are also mostly developed using linearized dynamics and require the exact knowledge of system parameters, which makes them sensitive to parametric uncertainties. To handle these issues, we present an adaptive antiswing control strategy for crane systems with double-pendulum swing effects and uncertain/unknown parameters, which can make the trolley accurately reach the target position with reduced overshoots and effectively eliminate the double-pendulum swing angles at the same time. A complete stability analysis, based upon the full nonlinear dynamics (i.e., without linearizing the dynamics), is included to support the theoretical derivations. We present hardware experimental results to demonstrate that the proposed controller achieves better performance than existing ones and exhibits good robustness.


