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Correctness Guarantees for the Composition of Lane Keeping and Adaptive Cruise Control
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-17 , DOI: 10.1109/tase.2017.2760863
Xiangru Xu , Jessy W. Grizzle , Paulo Tabuada , Aaron D. Ames

This paper develops a control approach with correctness guarantees for the simultaneous operation of lane keeping and adaptive cruise control. The safety specifications for these driver assistance modules are expressed in terms of set invariance. Control barrier functions (CBFs) are used to design a family of control solutions that guarantee the forward invariance of a set, which implies satisfaction of the safety specifications. The CBFs are synthesized through a combination of sum-of-squares program and physics-based modeling and optimization. A real-time quadratic program is posed to combine the CBFs with the performance-based controllers, which can be either expressed as control Lyapunov function conditions or as black-box legacy controllers. In both cases, the resulting feedback control guarantees the safety of the composed driver assistance modules in a formally correct manner. Importantly, the quadratic program admits a closed-form solution that can be easily implemented. The effectiveness of the control approach is demonstrated by simulations in the industry-standard vehicle simulator Carsim.



本文开发了一种能够保证车道保持和自适应巡航控制同时运行的正确性的控制方法。这些驾驶员辅助模块的安全规范用集合不变性来表示。控制屏障函数(CBF)用于设计一系列控制解决方案,保证集合的前向不变性,这意味着满足安全规范。 CBF 是通过平方和程序与基于物理的建模和优化相结合来合成的。提出了一个实时二次程序将 CBF 与基于性能的控制器相结合,该控制器可以表示为控制 Lyapunov 函数条件或黑盒传统控制器。在这两种情况下,由此产生的反馈控制以形式上正确的方式保证了所组成的驾驶员辅助模块的安全性。重要的是,二次规划承认可以轻松实现的封闭式解决方案。该控制方法的有效性通过行业标准车辆模拟器 Carsim 中的模拟得到了证明。