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High-Efficiency All-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells Tailored by Scalable Rutile TiO2 Nanorod Arrays with Excellent Stability
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c00688
Meng Wang 1 , Jialong Duan 1 , Jian Du 1 , Xiya Yang 1 , Yanyan Duan 2 , Tingting Zhang 3 , Qunwei Tang 1

Tailored optimization of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is a persistent objective to achieve the ultimate commercialization purpose, in which the electron/hole transport layer with thickness on the nanometer scale is generally required to maximize the charge collection and minimize the series resistance. Therefore, precise control on the fabrication technology of the charge transport layer is important. Herein, one-dimensional (1D) rutile TiO2 nanorod arrays with a thickness of 1.8 μm have been fabricated and employed as a potential electron extraction layer for high-efficiency all-inorganic CsPbBr3 PSCs for the first time. Arising from the sufficient carrier mobility, excellent conductivity, and superior charge extraction ability by means of regulating the donor concentration with nitrogen atoms, a champion efficiency of 8.50% has been achieved with excellent long-term stability after 50 days storage in air conditions, which is comparable to that of the 200 nm-thick TiO2 layer tailored device. The primary results demonstrate that the TiO2 layer with micrometer scale thickness is also feasible to effectively collect the photogenerated carriers and realize considerable solar-to-electric conversion ability, providing multifarious technologies to fabricate the electron extraction layer.


利用可扩展的金红石型TiO 2纳米棒阵列定制的高效全无机钙钛矿太阳能电池,具有出色的稳定性

钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSC)的量身定制优化是实现最终商业化目的的持久目标,其中通常需要具有纳米级厚度的电子/空穴传输层以最大化电荷收集并最小化串联电阻。因此,精确控制电荷传输层的制造技术很重要。本文中,已制作了厚度为1.8μm的一维(1D)金红石TiO 2纳米棒阵列,并将其用作高效全无机CsPbBr 3的潜在电子提取层首次提供PSC。由于具有足够的载流子迁移率,出色的电导率和出色的电荷提取能力(通过使用氮原子调节供体浓度),在空气中储存50天后,具有出色的长期稳定性,可实现8.50%的最佳效率。与200 nm厚的TiO 2层定制设备相当。初步结果表明,具有微米级厚度的TiO 2层对于有效地收集光生载流子并实现相当大的太阳-电转换能力也是可行的,为制造电子提取层提供了多种技术。