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Brain microvasculature has a common topology with local differences in geometry that match metabolic load
Neuron ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.02.006
Xiang Ji 1 , Tiago Ferreira 2 , Beth Friedman 3 , Rui Liu 1 , Hannah Liechty 1 , Erhan Bas 2 , Jayaram Chandrashekar 2 , David Kleinfeld 4

The microvasculature underlies the supply networks that support neuronal activity within heterogeneous brain regions. What are common versus heterogeneous aspects of the connectivity, density, and orientation of capillary networks? To address this, we imaged, reconstructed, and analyzed the microvasculature connectome in whole adult mice brains with sub-micrometer resolution. Graph analysis revealed common network topology across the brain that leads to a shared structural robustness against the rarefaction of vessels. Geometrical analysis, based on anatomically accurate reconstructions, uncovered a scaling law that links length density, i.e., the length of vessel per volume, with tissue-to-vessel distances. We then derive a formula that connects regional differences in metabolism to differences in length density and, further, predicts a common value of maximum tissue oxygen tension across the brain. Last, the orientation of capillaries is weakly anisotropic with the exception of a few strongly anisotropic regions; this variation can impact the interpretation of fMRI data.



