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Crystallization, structure, and enhanced mechanical property of ethylene‐octene elastomer crosslinked with dicumyl peroxide
Journal of Applied Polymer Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-28 , DOI: 10.1002/app.50651
Yuan‐Xia Wang 1 , Ying Shi 1 , Chen‐Chen Wang 1 , Jia‐Hui Cheng 1 , Ying Wang 1 , Wen‐Jun Shao 1 , Li‐Zhi Liu 1

Crosslinking of polyolefin elastomer (POE, ENGAGE™ 8480) with Dicumyl Peroxide (DCP) can have effects on its crystallization dynamics, crystal structure, and properties. The POE crosslinked uniformly has significantly lower crystalline ability than the one with only amorphous phase crosslinked, which, in turn, has weaker crystalline ability than neat POE. The crystallinity and melting point depend on how the POE is crosslinked. The neat POE and POE crosslinked in amorphous phase only, are investigated with DSC and in‐situ tensile/synchrotron radiation (WAXD/SAXS). In situ tensile/synchrotron X‐ray during a uniaxial stretching process indicates that severe crystal fragmentation is observed at a strain around 45%, and with further increase in strain. The stress in the crosslinked POE is significantly larger than neat POE. For both samples, crystal orientation increases sharply within the strain range up to 88% where orientation‐induced new crystals aligned in stretching direction are observed. The long period increases more in stretching direction for the crosslinked POE, consistent with larger stress in this sample, and the stress difference is more pronounced at large strains (27.3 vs. 10.9 MPa at a strain 435%). Permanent set of the crosslinked POE is smaller, consistent with less oriented crystals observed after the test for permanent set.



聚烯烃弹性体(POE,ENGAGE™8480)与过氧化二枯基(DCP)的交联会影响其结晶动力学,晶体结构和性能。与仅具有非晶相交联的POE相比,均匀交联的POE具有明显更低的结晶能力,而结晶相却比纯POE弱。结晶度和熔点取决于POE的交联方式。纯DSE和POE仅在非晶相中交联,使用DSC和原位拉伸/同步加速器辐射(WAXD / SAXS)进行研究。单轴拉伸过程中的原位拉伸/同步加速器X射线表明,在45%左右的应变下观察到严重的晶体碎裂,并且应变进一步增加。交联POE中的应力明显大于纯POE。对于这两个样本,在高达88%的应变范围内,晶体取向急剧增加,其中观察到取向诱导的新晶体在拉伸方向上排列。交联的POE的拉伸方向在较长的时间内会增加更多,这与该样品中的更大应力相一致,并且在大应变下应力差异更为明显(应变为435%时,应力差异为27.3对10.9 MPa)。交联POE的永久形变较小,与在永久形变测试后观察到的取向较少的晶体一致。应变435%时为10.9 MPa)。交联POE的永久形变较小,与在永久形变测试后观察到的取向较少的晶体一致。应变435%时为10.9 MPa)。交联POE的永久形变较小,与在永久形变测试后观察到的取向较少的晶体一致。