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Poly(carboxybetaine methacrylate) grafted on PVA hydrogel via a novel surface modification method under near-infrared light for enhancement of antifouling properties
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126369
Jinsheng Zhou , Yanming Lin , Ling Wang , Li Zhou , Bin Yu , Xianghui Zou , Zhongkuan Luo , Huiyuan Hu

A novel near-infrared (NIR) light induced photoinduced electron transfer-reversible addition - fragmentation chain-transfer (PET-RAFT) polymerization was developed and carboxybetaine methacrylate (CBMA) polymer brush was constructed on the PVA hydrogel via this one-spot method to enhance the antifouling properties. PVA-g-pCBMA hydrogel displayed higher hydrophilicity, while the thermal properties decreased due to the lower decomposition properties of pCBMA and the partly destruction of crystal structure inside the PVA hydrogel. The antifouling properties of PVA-g-pCBMA hydrogel was improved significantly because the surface hydration and steric repulsion effect of pCBMA polymer brush. Importantly, PVA-g-pCBMA hydrogel PVA-g-pCBMA hydrogel could be considered as no cytotoxic effect or reduction of proliferation to primary human eyelid fibroblast cells following the guidelines stated by ISO 10993-5:2009 (direct contact test). Considering the excellent penetration ability of NIR, AlPc catalyzed PET-RAFT polymerization provided a new modification approach for various biological or medical materials on industrial scale.



开发了一种新型的近红外(NIR)光诱导的光致电子转移-可逆加成-断裂链转移(PET-RAFT)聚合反应,并通过这种单点方法在PVA水凝胶上构建了甲基丙烯酸羧基甜菜碱(CBMA)聚合物刷。增强防污性能。PVA-g-pCBMA水凝胶显示出较高的亲水性,而热性能却由于pCBMA的较低分解特性和PVA水凝胶内部晶体结构的部分破坏而降低。PVA-g-pCBMA水凝胶的防污性能得到了显着改善,这是因为pCBMA聚合物刷具有表面水合作用和空间排斥作用。重要的,PVA-g-pCBMA水凝胶PVA-g-pCBMA水凝胶可被视为无细胞毒性作用或对原代人眼睑成纤维细胞增殖的减少,其遵循的标准为ISO 10993-5:2009(直接接触试验)。考虑到近红外的优异渗透能力,AlPc催化的PET-RAFT聚合为工业规模的各种生物或医学材料提供了一种新的改性方法。
