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Grammatical gender in L2 Swedish in Finnish-speaking immersion students: A comparison with non-immersion students
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586520000256
Eeva-Liisa Nyqvist , Sinikka Lahtinen

Swedish grammatical gender is challenging for Finnish-speaking learners of Swedish due to its abstract meaning, the complex nature of Swedish NPs and the low salience of the morphology used to mark gender. Our study compares the expression of gender in texts written in Swedish by Finnish-speaking 12- and 15-year-old immersion students with that of 16-year-old non-immersion students. The results show that NPs with gender agreement, i.e. those with several morphemes marking gender, are more difficult than NPs with only one marker. In all informant groups, uter is significantly easier than neuter, but uter is also overused, as approximately 75% of all Swedish nouns are uter in modern Swedish. Comparisons between different informant groups show that non-immersion students often reach a significantly higher level of accuracy than immersion students, which indicates that formal teaching has a positive effect.


芬兰语沉浸式学生的 L2 瑞典语语法性别:与非沉浸式学生的比较

瑞典语的语法性别对讲芬兰语的瑞典语学习者来说是一个挑战,因为它具有抽象的含义、瑞典语 NP 的复杂性以及用于标记性别的形态的低显着性。我们的研究比较了讲芬兰语的 12 岁和 15 岁沉浸式学生与 16 岁非沉浸式学生用瑞典语书写的文本中的性别表达。结果表明,具有性别一致性的NP,即具有多个标记性别的语素的NP,比仅具有一个标记的NP更难。在所有知情人群体中,uter 明显比 neuter 容易,但 uter 也被过度使用,因为大约 75% 的瑞典名词在现代瑞典语中都是 uter。不同线人组之间的比较表明,非沉浸式学生的准确率往往比沉浸式学生高得多,