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NIR-Driven Intracellular Photocatalytic O2 Evolution on Z-Scheme Ni3S2/Cu1.8S@HA for Hypoxic Tumor Therapy
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c21284
Dongmiao Sang 1 , Kai Wang 2 , Xilin Sun 2 , Ying Wang 1 , Huiming Lin 1, 3 , Ran Jia 4 , Fengyu Qu 1, 3

Hypoxia in a tumor microenvironment (TME) has inhibited the photodynamic therapy (PDT) efficacy. Here, Ni3S2/Cu1.8S nanoheterostructures were synthesized as a new photosensitizer, which also realizes the intracellular photocatalytic O2 evolution to relieve hypoxia in TME and enhance PDT as well. With the narrow band gap (below 1.5 eV), the near infrared (NIR) (808 nm) can stimulate their separation of the electron–hole. The novel Z-scheme nanoheterostructures, testified by experimental data and density functional theory (DFT) calculation, possess a higher redox ability, endowing the photoexited holes with sufficient potential to oxide H2O into O2, directly. Meanwhile, the photostimulated electrons can capture the dissolved O2 to form a toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Moreover, Ni3S2/Cu1.8S nanocomposites also possess the catalase-/peroxidase-like activity to convert the endogenous H2O2 into ·OH and O2, which not only cause chemodynamic therapy (CDT) but also alleviate hypoxia to assist the PDT as well. In addition, owing to the narrow band gap, they possess a high NIR harvest and great photothermal conversion efficiency (49.5%). It is noted that the nanocomposites also exhibit novel biodegradation and can be metabolized and eliminated via feces and urine within 2 weeks. The present single electrons in Ni/Cu ions induce the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ability for Ni3S2/Cu1.8S. To make sure that the cancer cells were specifically targeted, hyaluronic acid (HA) was grafted outside and Ni3S2/Cu1.8S@HA integrated photodynamic therapy (PDT), chemodynamic therapy (CDT), and photothermal therapy (PTT) to exhibit the great anticancer efficiency for hypoxic tumor elimination.


Z方案Ni 3 S 2 / Cu 1.8 S @ HA的近红外驱动细胞内光催化O 2演化用于缺氧肿瘤治疗

肿瘤微环境(TME)中的缺氧抑制了光动力疗法(PDT)的功效。在此,合成了Ni 3 S 2 / Cu 1.8 S纳米异质结构作为一种新型的光敏剂,还实现了细胞内光催化O 2的释放,从而缓解了TME中的缺氧并增强了PDT。由于带隙较窄(低于1.5 eV),近红外(NIR)(808 nm)可以刺激其电子空穴的分离。通过实验数据和密度泛函理论(DFT)的计算证明,新颖的Z型纳米异质结构具有更高的氧化还原能力,赋予光致发光的空穴以足够的潜力将H 2 O氧化为O 2。, 直接地。同时,受光刺激的电子可以捕获溶解的O 2形成有毒的活性氧(ROS)。此外,Ni 3 S 2 / Cu 1.8 S纳米复合材料还具有过氧化氢酶/过氧化物酶样活性,可将内源性H 2 O 2转化为·OH和O 2,不仅引起化学动力学治疗(CDT),而且减轻了缺氧。也协助PDT。此外,由于带隙窄,它们具有很高的近红外收率和很高的光热转换效率(49.5%)。应当指出,纳米复合材料还表现出新颖的生物降解作用,并且可以通过以下途径被代谢和消除2周内出现粪便和尿液。Ni / Cu离子中当前存在的单电子诱导Ni 3 S 2 / Cu 1.8 S的磁共振成像(MRI)能力。为确保癌细胞被特异性靶向,透明质酸(HA)移植到了体外,Ni 3 S 2 / Cu 1.8 S @ HA集成了光动力疗法(PDT),化学动力疗法(CDT)和光热疗法(PTT),具有消除缺氧肿瘤的巨大抗癌功效。