瑞士有机化学家保罗·卡勒(Paul Karrer,1889–1971年)以对维生素的研究而闻名,已发表了1000多篇文章。1919年,卡尔·卡勒(Karrer)成为苏黎世大学的化学教授,同年,他被任命为苏黎世化学研究所所长,一直任职至1959年退休。卡尔勒(Karrer)最著名的著作是维生素,也许是他最着名的著作。重要的贡献是他在1931年证明维生素A在结构上与类胡萝卜素有关。Karrer还发表了有关天然产物,类胡萝卜素和其他植物色素,辅酶,生物碱,氨基酸,糖,碳水化合物,多糖和有机金属化合物的重要著作。Karrer教授因对类胡萝卜素组成的研究而获得1937年的诺贝尔化学奖。黄素和维生素A和B2,与英国化学家Walter Norman Haworth爵士分享的奖项。但是,很少有从事环糊精领域的研究人员知道,卡尔勒也是最早对这些分子感兴趣的人之一。在1920年至1925年之间,他发表了有关糊精-α和糊精-β的命名,结构和化学研究。这项历史性的回顾,是在他逝世五十周年之际,其目的在于回顾他的巨大科学生涯,重点介绍维生素和生物碱方面的精选著作,另一方面,以纪念他对(cyclo)的贡献糊精化学。很少有从事环糊精领域的研究人员知道,Karrer也是最早对这些分子产生兴趣的人之一。在1920年至1925年之间,他发表了有关糊精-α和糊精-β的命名,结构和化学研究。这项历史性的回顾,是在他逝世五十周年之际,其目的在于回顾他的巨大科学生涯,重点介绍维生素和生物碱方面的精选著作,另一方面,以纪念他对(cyclo)的贡献糊精化学。从事环糊精领域的研究人员很少有人知道,卡尔勒也是最早对这些分子产生兴趣的人之一。在1920年至1925年之间,他发表了有关糊精-α和糊精-β的命名,结构和化学研究。这项历史性的回顾,是在他逝世五十周年之际,其目的在于回顾他的巨大科学生涯,重点介绍维生素和生物碱方面的精选著作,另一方面,以纪念他对(cyclo)的贡献糊精化学。
The contribution of professor Paul Karrer (1889–1971) to dextrins
Paul Karrer (1889–1971), a Swiss organic chemist best known for his research on vitamins, has published more than 1000 articles. In 1919, Karrer became professor of chemistry at the University of Zurich and in the same year he was appointed director of the Chemical Institute in Zurich, where he remained until his retirement in 1959. Karrer’s most famous work was on vitamins, and probably his most important contribution was his demonstration in 1931 that vitamin A was structurally related to carotenoid. Karrer also published important works on natural products, carotenoids and other plant pigments, coenzymes, alkaloids, amino acids, sugars, carbohydrates, polysaccharides, and organometallic compounds. Professor Karrer was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1937 for his research into the constitution of carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2, a prize shared with the British chemist Sir Walter Norman Haworth. However, few researchers working in the field of cyclodextrins know that Karrer was also one of the first to take an interest in these molecules. Between 1920 and 1925, he published several studies on the nomenclature, structure and chemistry of dextrin-α and dextrin-β. This historical review, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his death, aims, on the one hand, to retrace his immense scientific career highlighting selected works on vitamins and alkaloids and, on the other hand, to commemorate his contribution to (cyclo)dextrin chemistry.
Graphic abstract