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No Jab, No Job? Ethical Issues in Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel
BMJ Global Health ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004877
Rachel Gur-Arie 1, 2 , Euzebiusz Jamrozik 2, 3 , Patricia Kingori 3, 4

### Summary box The COVID-19 pandemic continues, but its potential end is in sight. The first COVID-19 vaccines have been distributed.1 2 Multiple vaccine allocation plans rooted in fair, just and equitable global vaccine allocation aim to maximise the benefits of vaccination programmes.3–6 One common factor in COVID-19 vaccine allocation plans to date is the prioritisation of healthcare personnel (HCP). We define HCP as all frontline workers at healthcare settings including but not limited to: physicians, nurses, physicians’ assistants, laboratory technicians, students on rotation, administrative staff, cleaning personnel and security staff. Though hierarchies of vaccine prioritisation among different groups of HCP have been proposed, this analysis focuses on HCP generally as a population.4 Prioritising HCP to receive COVID-19 vaccines is relatively uncontroversial and commonly justified by HCP’s right to be protected from occupational infection, the need to maintain healthcare staffing, and/or the protection of patients from being infected by HCP.7 The pandemic emergency has exacerbated shortages in healthcare staffing and resources,8 heightening the importance of protecting HCP. Vaccinating HCP against COVID-19 first could therefore help to maximise the benefit of a limited resource,9 assuming that vaccinated HCP continue to care for patients, including those infected with COVID-19. Vaccinated HCP may also impose less risk of …


没有疫苗接种就没有工作吗?医护人员强制接种 COVID-19 疫苗的道德问题

### 摘要框 COVID-19 大流行仍在继续,但其潜在的结束已经在望。第一批 COVID-19 疫苗已经分发。1 2 多种疫苗分配计划植根于公平、公正和公平的全球疫苗分配,旨在最大限度地发挥疫苗接种计划的效益。3–6 迄今为止,COVID-19 疫苗分配计划的一个共同因素是医护人员 (HCP) 的优先事项。我们将 HCP 定义为医疗机构的所有一线工作人员,包括但不限于:医生、护士、医生助理、实验室技术人员、轮班学生、行政人员、清洁人员和保安人员。尽管已经提出了不同 HCP 群体之间疫苗优先顺序的层次结构,但本分析重点关注的是 HCP 作为一个总体。4 优先考虑 HCP 接种 COVID-19 疫苗相对而言没有争议,并且通常因 HCP 有权受到保护免受职业感染而得到合理证明。需要维持医疗保健人员配置,和/或保护患者免遭 HCP 感染。7 大流行紧急情况加剧了医疗保健人员和资源的短缺,8 凸显了保护 HCP 的重要性。因此,首先为 HCP 接种 COVID-19 疫苗可能有助于最大限度地利用有限资源,9 假设接种疫苗的 HCP 继续护理患者,包括那些感染了 COVID-19 的患者。接种疫苗的 HCP 也可能会降低……的风险