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Electrochemical insight into the activated algal biochar assisted hydrogenotrophic denitrification at biocathode using bioelectrochemical system (BES)
Process Biochemistry ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2021.02.008
Peng Zhou , Guoshuai Liu , Han Wang , Qun Yan , Peng Wu

In this study, activated biochar prepared using Taihu blue algae was adopted to facilitate cathodic hydrogenotrophic denitrification in bioelectrochemical system (BES). It was found that addition of algal biochar (ABC)-800N (treated with nitric acid) at biocathode reached the highest nitrate removal constant (21.79), while the control reached only 6.94. Besides, activity of nitrous oxide reductase attained 5.16 U/L for the control in day 7, while group ABC-800N reached 16.06 U/L by then. Importantly, chronoamperometry (CA) detect indicated an electron exchange capacity for group ABC-800N as 872.68 μmol e/gBC, compared to 162.81 μmol e/gBC for the control. Through chronocoulomb (CC), better charge/discharge stability can be concluded in BES reactor using ABC-800N. Therefore, activated biochar could be implemented to enhance denitrification process at biocathode in BES.



在这项研究中,采用太湖蓝藻制备的活性生物炭可促进生物电化学系统(BES)中的阴极氢营养性反硝化作用。发现在生物阴极添加藻类生物炭(ABC)-800N(用硝酸处理)达到最高的硝酸盐去除常数(21.79),而对照仅达到6.94。此外,在第7天,作为对照的一氧化二氮还原酶的活性达到5.16U / L,而那时ABC-800N组达到了16.06U / L。重要的是,计时安培(CA)检测用于指示组ABC-800N的电子交换容量为872.68微摩尔ë - / GBC,相比162.81微摩尔ë -/ gBC作为控件。通过计时库仑(CC),可以在使用ABC-800N的BES反应器中得出更好的充电/放电稳定性。因此,可以实施活化的生物炭来增强BES中生物阴极的反硝化过程。
