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Diversity of Judeo-Arabic Dialects in North Africa: Eqa:l, Wqal, kjal and ʔal Dialects
Journal of Jewish Languages ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-03-01 , DOI: 10.1163/22134638-12340062
Joseph Chetrit 1

This study presents the diversity of North African Judeo-Arabic dialects documented in an extensive course of fieldwork concerning some one hundred and thirty Moroccan Jewish dialects, both urban and rural. Dozens of additional dialects from Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria complete the global repartitioning of these dialects into four distinct groups: Eqa:l , Wqal , k j al , and ʔal dialects. The different dialects in each set share common phonetic, phonological, morphological, and grammatical features. All of them preserve the unvoiced realization of the stop /q/ and articulate it as a uvular [ q ] ( Eqa:l and Wqal ), a palato-velar [ k j ] ( k j al ), or a glottal [ ʔ ] ( ʔal ). Eqa:l dialects developed in Libya, Tunisia, and Eastern Algeria; they distinguish between long and short vowels. Wqal dialects developed in Western Morocco. K j al dialects developed in northwestern Algeria and in southeastern Morocco. ʔal dialects developed in Moroccan cities, where Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal settled among native Jews.



这项研究提出了在广泛的田野调查中记录的北非犹太-阿拉伯方言的多样性,涉及大约130种城市和农村的摩洛哥犹太方言。来自利比亚,突尼斯和阿尔及利亚的数十种其他方言完成了将这些方言的全球重新划分为四个不同的组:Eqa:l,Wqal,kj al和方言。每组中的不同方言具有共同的语音,语音,形态和语法特征。所有这些都保留了/ q /的清晰表达,并将其清楚地表示为小泡[q](Eqa:l和Wqal),肌[kj](kj al)或声门[ʔ](ʔal )。利比亚,突尼斯和阿尔及利亚东部发展出的方言:他们区分长元音和短元音。Wqal方言在摩洛哥西部发展。K j al方言在阿尔及利亚西北部和摩洛哥东南部发展。阿拉伯语在摩洛哥城市发展,犹太人从西班牙驱逐出境,葡萄牙人定居在当地犹太人中。