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Strategies for Successful Scallops Spat Collection on Artificial Collectors in the Taranto Gulf (Mediterranean Sea)
Water ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.3390/w13040462 Loredana Papa , Ermelinda Prato , Francesca Biandolino , Isabella Parlapiano , Giovanni Fanelli
Water ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.3390/w13040462 Loredana Papa , Ermelinda Prato , Francesca Biandolino , Isabella Parlapiano , Giovanni Fanelli
The high variability in natural recruitment of Pectinidae is a common feature of many marine invertebrates with a pelagic larval stage, but may negatively affect aquaculture activities. Detailed information on settlement patterns and spat availability is required to reduce costs and labor. In this regard, we attempted to establish the precise immersion time and the deployment dates for spat collectors in the Taranto Gulf (Mediterranean Sea, Italy). The first experiment was carried out from June to October 2013, deploying collectors every 15 days and retrieving them after 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks. Results from the first experiment allowed us to select 8 weeks as the best immersion time for spat collection. The second experiment was carried out from June 2013 to July 2014 when we deployed spat collectors every 15 days and recovered them after 8 weeks to detect the favorable periods to place the collectors in water to obtain the highest scallop spat harvest rate. Mimachlamys varia was the most abundant pectinid (greater than 90%), whose recruits were collected during most of the year studied, followed by Flexopecten glaber with the highest rates in July (87%) and Pecten jacobaeus, which never exceeded 17% of collected spat. M. varia had a long recruitment period (from October to early June), F. glaber showed a high number of spat during autumn months and from June to July while P. jacobaeus showed a restricted period of spawning. Our experiments provide useful insights into strategies for establishing scallop aquaculture in order to promote these mollusks as alternative candidates for aquaculture farming in the area.
果蝇科自然招募中的高变异性是许多具有上层幼体阶段的海洋无脊椎动物的共同特征,但可能对水产养殖活动产生负面影响。需要有关定居方式和可获得的鱼苗的详细信息,以减少成本和人工。在这方面,我们试图为塔兰托湾(意大利地中海)的鱼收集者确定准确的浸没时间和部署日期。第一个实验是从2013年6月至2013年10月进行的,每15天部署一次收集器,然后在4、6、8和10周后对其进行检索。第一个实验的结果使我们可以选择8周作为最佳的浸泡时间来收集鱼卵。Mimachlamys varia是最丰富的果胶(大于90%),其招募者是在所研究的一年中的大部分时间里收集的,其次是7月Flexopecten glaber率最高(87%)和Jacobaeus的果胶,从未超过收集的17%吐口水。杂花苜蓿有很长的招聘期(从十月到六月上旬),F.栎而在秋季个月,6〜7月表现出大量的争吵P. jacobaeus显示产卵的限售期。我们的实验为建立扇贝水产养殖的策略提供了有用的见识,以促进将这些软体动物推广为该地区水产养殖的替代品。
果蝇科自然招募中的高变异性是许多具有上层幼体阶段的海洋无脊椎动物的共同特征,但可能对水产养殖活动产生负面影响。需要有关定居方式和可获得的鱼苗的详细信息,以减少成本和人工。在这方面,我们试图为塔兰托湾(意大利地中海)的鱼收集者确定准确的浸没时间和部署日期。第一个实验是从2013年6月至2013年10月进行的,每15天部署一次收集器,然后在4、6、8和10周后对其进行检索。第一个实验的结果使我们可以选择8周作为最佳的浸泡时间来收集鱼卵。Mimachlamys varia是最丰富的果胶(大于90%),其招募者是在所研究的一年中的大部分时间里收集的,其次是7月Flexopecten glaber率最高(87%)和Jacobaeus的果胶,从未超过收集的17%吐口水。杂花苜蓿有很长的招聘期(从十月到六月上旬),F.栎而在秋季个月,6〜7月表现出大量的争吵P. jacobaeus显示产卵的限售期。我们的实验为建立扇贝水产养殖的策略提供了有用的见识,以促进将这些软体动物推广为该地区水产养殖的替代品。