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Polypyrrole/Helical Carbon Nanotube Composite with Marvelous Photothermoelectric Performance for Longevous and Intelligent Internet of Things Application
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c22123
Xin-zheng Jin 1 , Xiao-dong Qi 1 , Ying Wang 1 , Jing-hui Yang 1 , Hao Li 1 , Zuo-wan Zhou 1 , Yong Wang 1

Helical carbon nanotube (HCNT) is a vital member of carbon nanomaterials, but little effort was devoted to explore its unique characteristics and applications during the past few decades. Here, we report an organic thermoelectric composite with an excellent photothermoelectric (PTE) effect by conformally wrapping polypyrrole (PPy) on the intricate surface of HCNTs, which have been confirmed to have remarkable near-infrared (NIR) photothermal conversion capability and ultralow heat transportation characteristics. The results indicate that with the increasing HCNT content, PPy shell thickness reduces and exhibits denser as well as partial orientation, while the inter-ring angle slowly decreases and the bipolaron becomes dominant in carrier composition gradually. Consequently, the Seebeck coefficient increases monotonically, whereas the electrical conductivity remains nearly invariant. The final composite combines the benign thermoelectric properties, excellent photothermal response performance, and the lowest thermal conductivity of the carbon-based thermoelectric composite yet reported (0.064 W m–1 K–1). A single strip NIR light-stimulated adjustable delay switch was designed and fabricated, with the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current under a 400 mW cm–2 NIR-stimulated approach to 720 μV and 62 nA with the discrepancy of consecutive periodic output signals less than 4.2%, exhibiting incredible stability and reliability and demonstrating the highest output voltage of a single strip among the reported organic PTE composite at room temperature. Our work fills in a gap of HCNT research, which hitherto existed in the PTE and thermoelectric field.



螺旋碳纳米管(HCNT)是碳纳米材料的重要组成部分,但是在过去的几十年中,人们一直在努力探索其独特的特性和应用。在这里,我们报道了一种通过将聚吡咯(PPy)共形包裹在HCNT的复杂表面上而具有出色的光热电(PTE)效果的有机热电复合材料,该材料已被证实具有出色的近红外(NIR)光热转换能力和超低的热传递特征。结果表明,随着HCNT含量的增加,PPy壳的厚度减小,并呈现出更致密的取向和部分取向,而环间角则逐渐减小,双极化子逐渐在载体组成中占主导地位。因此,塞贝克系数单调增加,而电导率几乎保持不变。最终的复合材料具有良好的热电性能,出色的光热响应性能以及迄今为止所报道的碳基热电复合材料的最低导热系数(0.064 W m–1 K –1)。设计和制造了单条带NIR光刺激的可调延迟开关,其开路电压和短路电流在400 mW cm –2 NIR刺激下达到720μV和62 nA,具有连续周期输出的差异在室温下,该信号小于4.2%,显示出令人难以置信的稳定性和可靠性,并证明了单个带材在有机PTE复合材料中的最高输出电压。我们的工作填补了迄今为止在PTE和热电领域中存在的HCNT研究的空白。