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Biodegradation of Lindane (γ-Hexachlorocyclohexane) To Nontoxic End Products by Sequential Treatment with Three Mixed Anaerobic Microbial Cultures
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c07221
Luz A. Puentes Jácome 1 , Line Lomheim 1 , Sarra Gaspard 2 , Elizabeth A. Edwards 1, 3

The γ isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), also known as lindane, is a carcinogenic persistent organic pollutant. Lindane was used worldwide as an agricultural insecticide. Legacy soil and groundwater contamination with lindane and other HCH isomers is still a big concern. The biotic reductive dechlorination of HCH to nondesirable and toxic lower chlorinated compounds such as monochlorobenzene (MCB) and benzene, among others, has been broadly documented. Here, we demonstrate that complete biodegradation of lindane to nontoxic end products is attainable using a sequential treatment approach with three mixed anaerobic microbial cultures referred to as culture I, II, and III. Biaugmentation with culture I achieved dechlorination of lindane to MCB and benzene. Culture II was able to dechlorinate MCB to benzene, and finally, culture III carried out methanogenic benzene degradation. Distinct Dehalobacter populations, corresponding to different 16S rRNA amplicon sequence variants in culture I and culture II, were responsible for lindane and MCB dechlorination, respectively. This study continues to highlight key roles of Dehalobacter as chlorobenzene- and HCH -respiring bacteria and demonstrates that sequential treatment with specialized anaerobic cultures may be explored at field sites in order to address legacy soil and groundwater contamination with HCH.



六氯环己烷(HCH)的γ异构体,也称为林丹,是一种致癌的持久性有机污染物。林丹在世界范围内被用作农业杀虫剂。林丹和其他六氯环己烷异构体对旧土壤和地下水的污染仍然是一个大问题。六氯环己烷经过生物还原性脱氯反应生成了不良的,有毒的低级氯化物,例如一氯苯(MCB)和苯等,已有广泛文献记载。在这里,我们证明了使用序贯处理方法,将三种混合厌氧微生物培养物称为培养物I,II和III,可以将林丹完全生物降解为无毒的最终产品。与培养物重化后,我实现了将林丹脱氯成MCB和苯。Culture II能够将MCB脱氯为苯,最后,培养物III进行了产甲烷苯的降解。清楚的分别对应于培养物I和培养物II中不同的16S rRNA扩增子序列变体的脱盐细菌群体分别负责林丹和MCB脱氯。这项研究继续强调卤细菌作为氯苯和六氯环己烷呼吸细菌的关键作用,并表明为了解决六氯环己烷对土壤和地下水的污染,可以在田间地点探索用专门的厌氧培养物进行顺序处理。