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Leisure time: gender and regional inequalities in Croatia
World Leisure Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1080/16078055.2021.1879926
Lynette Šikić-Mićanović 1 , Željka Zdravković 2 , Jadranka Rebeka Anić 3


Previous research suggested that women and men experience their leisure time differently (i.e. time not committed to the labour force, domestic caregiving, or personal care). In relation to quantitative differences, studies worldwide have confirmed that a gender gap in leisure time use exists even though both women’s and men’s lives may be enriched through opportunity for leisure. In this article, we examine the organisation of time in the domains of leisure and its gender dimensions in Croatia. To determine whether demographic characteristics (e.g. education, age, employment) and household organisation (e.g. presence of children, time spent doing housework, number of household activities) account for considerable variation in leisure time, we focus on married and cohabiting individuals. Apart from gender differences, we will also investigate whether there are regional differences in leisure time use. An explanation of forces that result in gendered and regional differences of leisure time use in Croatia is discussed.




