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Excess sludge disintegration by discharge plasma oxidation: Efficiency and underlying mechanisms
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145127
Tengfei Li , Yanhui Fan , Hu Li , Zhiyin Ren , Liqing Kou , Xuetao Guo , Hanzhong Jia , Tiecheng Wang , Lingyan Zhu

A huge amount of excess sludge is inevitably produced in wastewater treatment, and it is becoming more and more urgent to realize efficient sludge reduction. Discharge plasma oxidation was used to efficiently disintegrate excess sludge for sludge reduction in this study. Approximately 18.22% sludge disintegration and 27.8% reduction of total suspended solids (TSS) were achieved by discharge plasma treatment. The water content of the filter cake decreased from 81.9% to 76.0% and the bound water content decreased from 2.66 g/g dry solid to 0.73 g/g dry solid after treatment. The large quantities of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by discharge plasma played important roles in sludge disintegration by destroying flocs and promoting the transformation of organic substances. Concurrent cell lysis induced by ROS oxidation released intracellular organics and water into the liquid phase. The fraction of soluble extracellular polymer substances (S-EPS) was enhanced from 16.10% to 58.51%, whereas the tightly bound fraction was reduced from 70.62% to 28.91%. Migration and decomposition of EPS were the main processes for EPS changing at a low oxidation capacity, whereas cell lysis became important at a high oxidation capacity. In summary, the plasma treatment effectively improved sludge disintegration.



在废水处理中不可避免地会产生大量的剩余污泥,实现有效的污泥减少越来越迫切。在本研究中,使用放电等离子体氧化法有效地分解多余的污泥以减少污泥。通过放电等离子处理,污泥分解率约为18.22%,总悬浮固体(TSS)降低了27.8%。处理后,滤饼的水含量从81.9%降低到76.0%,结合水含量从2.66 g / g干固体降低到0.73 g / g干固体。放电等离子体产生的大量活性氧(ROS)通过破坏絮凝物并促进有机物的转化在污泥分解中起重要作用。ROS氧化引起的并发细胞裂解将细胞内有机物和水释放到液相中。可溶性细胞外聚合物物质(S-EPS)的比例从16.10%提高到58.51%,而紧密结合的比例从70.62%降低到28.91%。EPS的迁移和分解是低氧化容量下EPS变化的主要过程,而细胞裂解在高氧化容量下变得很重要。总之,等离子体处理有效地改善了污泥的分解。而细胞裂解在高氧化能力下变得很重要。总之,等离子体处理有效地改善了污泥的分解。而细胞裂解在高氧化能力下变得很重要。总之,等离子体处理有效地改善了污泥的分解。
