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S-Nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (NAC–SNO) vs. nitrite as an anti-clostridial additive for meat products
Food & Function ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-1-18 , DOI: 10.1039/d0fo02839h
Adi Shpaizer 1 , Joseph Kanner 2 , Oren Tirosh 1

Nitrite is added to meat products as a preservative and it acts as a bacteriostatic compound against Clostridium botulinum growth. Nitric-oxide (˙NO), myoglobin and S-nitroso-compounds seem to be the main molecules generated from nitrite in meat products, which by decomposition to ˙NO, form the main anti-clostridial factor. The growth of C. sporogenes from activated spores in the presence of 0.5–2.5 mM NAC–SNO was compared to nitrite, both at 37 °C for 5 days and at room temperature for 28 days. The present study demonstrates that NAC–SNO under the same conditions and concentrations, in meat products, acts as an anti-clostridial compound similar to nitrite. In contrast to nitrite which must be activated in meat by heating, NAC–SNO generates the anti-clostridial factor directly, without heating, as was evaluated in an unheated bacteriological medium. The toxic effect of NAC–SNO and nitrite in methaemoglobinaemia and generation of N-nitrosamines in vivo, in mice, were also determined. Mice were gavage fed milk containing 45 mg per kg per bw of nitrite or an equimolar equivalent of NAC–SNO in the presence of 50 mg per kg per bw of N-methylaniline. Nitrite generated methaemoglobinaemia and carcinogenic N-nitrosoamines (N-nitrosomethylaniline); however, NAC–SNO under the same conditions and concentrations generates much less methaemoglobin and no detectable N-nitrosoamines in the blood, in vivo.



亚硝酸盐作为防腐剂添加到肉类产品中,并作为抗肉毒梭菌生长的抑菌化合物。一氧化氮(NO),肌红蛋白和S-亚硝基化合物似乎是肉制品中亚硝酸盐产生的主要分子,这些亚硝酸盐通过分解为NO形成主要的抗梭菌因子。产孢梭菌的生长将在0.5–2.5 mM NAC–SNO存在下活化孢子中的NAC–SNO与亚硝酸盐进行了比较,在37°C下5天和在室温下28天。本研究表明,在相同的条件和浓度下,NAC–SNO在肉制品中起着类似于亚硝酸盐的抗梭菌化合物的作用。与必须通过加热在肉中活化的亚硝酸盐相比,NAC-SNO无需加热即可直接产生抗梭菌因子,正如在未加热的细菌培养基中评估的那样。还确定了NAC-SNO和亚硝酸盐对小鼠血红蛋白血症和体内N-亚硝胺生成的毒性作用。给小鼠灌胃饲喂的牛奶,每公斤体重每公斤每公斤亚硝酸盐45毫克或等摩尔当量的NAC-SNO,每公斤体重每公斤每公斤50毫克N-甲基苯胺。亚硝酸盐产生的血红蛋白血症和致癌的N-亚硝胺(N-硝基甲基苯胺);然而,在相同的条件和浓度下,NAC–SNO在体内在血液中产生的血红蛋白少得多,并且没有可检测到的N-亚硝胺。