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The functional ecology of bat pollination in the African sausage tree Kigelia africana (Bignoniaceae)
Biotropica ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1111/btp.12891 Ethan Newman 1 , Keeveshnee Govender 1 , Sandy Niekerk 1 , Steven D. Johnson 1
Biotropica ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1111/btp.12891 Ethan Newman 1 , Keeveshnee Govender 1 , Sandy Niekerk 1 , Steven D. Johnson 1
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Plants often interact with a wide range of animal floral visitors that can vary in their pollination effectiveness. Flowers of the African sausage tree Kigelia africana are visited by bats and bush babies during the night and by birds during the day. We studied floral traits (phenophases, scent, color, and nectar chemistry) and the visitation frequency and pollination effectiveness of different flower visitors to determine whether K. africana is functionally specialized for bat pollination. We found that flower opening corresponds with bat activity, flowers emit scent dominated by aliphatic esters and alcohols, and that nectar is produced in copious amounts accessible to bats. Pollen deposition on stigmas was twenty‐fold greater per visit by bats than it was per visit by birds, likely a result of the close morphological fit between snouts of bats and the flowers. However, bat visits appear to be rare at some sites and the delayed senescence of flowers that are open throughout the morning provides an opportunity for additional pollination by birds. We conclude that K. africana is primarily adapted for bat pollination, but is also able to exploit other animals for pollination.
植物通常会与各种各样的动物花卉访客互动,这些访客的授粉效果可能会有所不同。蝙蝠和灌木丛婴儿在夜间拜访非洲香肠树Kigelia africana的花朵,白天则拜访鸟类。我们研究了花卉性状(表位,气味,颜色和花蜜化学)以及不同花访者的访花频率和授粉效率,以确定是否有K. africana在功能上专门用于蝙蝠授粉。我们发现花朵的开放与蝙蝠的活动相对应,花朵散发出由脂族酯和醇所主导的气味,而花蜜的产生量可与蝙蝠相媲美。蝙蝠每次造访时柱头上的花粉沉积量比鸟类每次造访高出二十倍,这可能是蝙蝠的口鼻部和花朵之间形态紧密吻合的结果。但是,在某些地方很少见到蝙蝠,而且整个早晨开放的花朵的衰老延迟为鸟类提供了进一步授粉的机会。我们得出的结论是,非洲象鼻虫主要适合蝙蝠授粉,但也能够利用其他动物进行授粉。

植物通常会与各种各样的动物花卉访客互动,这些访客的授粉效果可能会有所不同。蝙蝠和灌木丛婴儿在夜间拜访非洲香肠树Kigelia africana的花朵,白天则拜访鸟类。我们研究了花卉性状(表位,气味,颜色和花蜜化学)以及不同花访者的访花频率和授粉效率,以确定是否有K. africana在功能上专门用于蝙蝠授粉。我们发现花朵的开放与蝙蝠的活动相对应,花朵散发出由脂族酯和醇所主导的气味,而花蜜的产生量可与蝙蝠相媲美。蝙蝠每次造访时柱头上的花粉沉积量比鸟类每次造访高出二十倍,这可能是蝙蝠的口鼻部和花朵之间形态紧密吻合的结果。但是,在某些地方很少见到蝙蝠,而且整个早晨开放的花朵的衰老延迟为鸟类提供了进一步授粉的机会。我们得出的结论是,非洲象鼻虫主要适合蝙蝠授粉,但也能够利用其他动物进行授粉。