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Immobilization of Thermostable β-Glucosidase and α- l -Rhamnosidase from Dictyoglomus thermophilum DSM3960 and Their Cooperated Biotransformation of Total Flavonoids Extract from Epimedium into Icaritin
Catalysis Letters ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10562-020-03522-3
Yurong Dong , Shanshan Zhang , Changning Lu , Jin Xu , Jianjun Pei , Linguo Zhao

The thermostable GH3 family β-glucosidase DthBgl3 and thermostable GH78 family α-l-rhamnosidase DthRha from Dictyoglomus thermophilum DSM3960 were successfully immobilized by industrial amino resin 1000NH. The optimal reaction temperature and pH of 1000NH-DthBgl3 was 85 °C and pH 5.0. Over 65% residual enzyme activity maintained for 1000NH-DthBgl3 after a 3-h incubation under 85 °C, while about 20% residual enzyme activity maintained for free DthBgl3. The optimal reaction temperature and pH of 1000NH-DthRha was 95 °C and pH 6.5. Over 90% residual enzyme activity maintained for 1000NH-DthRha after a 3-h incubation under 90 °C, while about 22% residual enzyme activity maintained for free DthRha. Meanwhile, immobilized 1000NH-DthBgl3 and 1000NH-DthRha were successfully and could completely transform all major ingredient of 10 g/L total flavonoids extract from Epimedium (TFEE) into icaritin. After 15 cycles (45 h) of repeated use at 85 °C, 3 U 1000NH-DthBgl3 showed a molar conversion rate of 73.12%, initial activity of 30.09% and productivity of 124 mg/L/h, while 15 U 1000NH-DthRha showed a molar conversion rate of 88.50%, initial activity of 85.31% and productivity of 75 mg/L/h after ten cycles (60 h) of repeated use at 85 °C. The cooperation of two immobilized enzymes showed a molar conversion rate of 87.21% and productivity of 141 mg/L/h after 15 cycles of repeated use at 85 °C. This is the first report on immobilization of two thermostable glycosidases from thermophilic bacteria and their cooperated biocatalysis of all major ingredients of TFEE into icaritin with high productivity under a high substrate concentration.

Graphical Abstract



嗜热双歧杆菌的热稳定GH3家族β-葡萄糖苷酶DthBgl3和热稳定GH78家族α- 1-鼠李糖苷酶DthRhaDSM3960成功地被工业氨基树脂1000NH固定。1000NH-DthBgl3的最佳反应温度和pH为85°C,pH为5.0。在85°C下孵育3小时后,对于1000NH-DthBgl3保留了超过65%的残留酶活性,而对于游离DthBgl3则保持了约20%的残留酶活性。1000NH-DthRha的最佳反应温度和pH为95°C和pH 6.5。在90°C下孵育3小时后,对于1000NH-DthRha保留了90%以上的残留酶活性,而对于游离DthRha则保留了约22%的残留酶活性。同时,成功地固定了1000NH-DthBgl3和1000NH-DthRha,并且可以将淫羊Epi总黄酮提取物(TFEE)中的10 g / L总黄酮的所有主要成分完全转化为伊卡立汀。在85°C下重复使用15个周期(45小时)后,3 U 1000NH-DthBgl3的摩尔转化率为73.12%,初始活性为30.09%,产率为124 mg / L / h,而15 U 1000NH-DthBgl3的摩尔转化率为88.50%,初始活性为85.31%在85°C下重复使用十个周期(60 h)后,生产率为75 mg / L / h。在85°C下重复使用15个循环后,两种固定化酶的协同作用显示摩尔转化率为87.21%,生产率为141 mg / L / h。这是关于将嗜热细菌中的两种热稳定糖苷酶固定化,以及它们在高底物浓度下以高生产率协同作用将TFEE的所有主要成分生物催化合成二十碳叉蛋白的报道。在85°C重复使用十个周期(60 h)后,初始活性为85.31%,生产率为75 mg / L / h。在85°C下重复使用15个循环后,两种固定化酶的协同作用显示摩尔转化率为87.21%,生产率为141 mg / L / h。这是关于将嗜热细菌中的两种热稳定糖苷酶固定化,以及它们在高底物浓度下以高生产率协同作用将TFEE的所有主要成分生物催化合成二十碳叉蛋白的报道。在85°C重复使用十个周期(60 h)后,初始活性为85.31%,生产率为75 mg / L / h。在85°C下重复使用15个循环后,两种固定化酶的协同作用显示摩尔转化率为87.21%,生产率为141 mg / L / h。这是关于将嗜热细菌中的两种热稳定糖苷酶固定化,以及它们在高底物浓度下以高生产率协同作用将TFEE的所有主要成分合成为二十碳五烯酸的生物催化的首次报道。

