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Morpho-palynological assessment of some species of family Asteraceae and Lamiaceae of District Bannu, Pakistan on the bases of light microscope & scanning electron microscopy
Microscopy Research and Technique ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23681
Siraj Khan 1 , Gul Jan 1 , Mushtaq Ahmad 2 , Farzana Gul 1 , Muhammad Zafar 2 , Jamal Ud Din Mangi 3 , Hameeda Bibi 4 , Shazia Sultana 2 , Anwer Usma 2 , Salman Majeed 2

Pollen micro-morphological features have proven to be helpful for the plant taxonomists in the identification and classification of plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the palynological features of family Asteraceae and Lamiaceae from flora of District Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan using both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscope (LM) for their taxonomic importance. Pollen of seven Asteraceous species belonging to four genera and four Lamiaceae species categorized into four genera were collected from different localities of research area. The present research work provides detailed information of diverse morpho-palynological characters both qualitatively and quantitatively including pollen shape, type, diameter, P/E ratio, exine sculpturing and thickness. Type of pollen in Asteraceae and Lamiaceae was ranged from tricolporate, tricolpate, trizonocolpate and hexazonocolpate. The maximum polar diameter (40.05 μm) and equatorial diameter (37.66 μm) was observed in the Ajuga bracteoosa while minimum polar and equatorial diameter was noted in Isodon rugosus (11.10 μm) and Erigeron canadensis (13.20 μm) respectively. Sculpturing of exine include; echinate, reticulate scabrate, aerolate, reticulate–verrucate, reticulate–scabrate, perforate and reticulate to perforate. Exine thickness was examined maximum 1.50 μm in Helianthus tuberosus, whereas minimum in Conyza Canadensis (0.16 μm). The pollen fertility was found highest in C Canadensis (83.33%) and lowest in Ajuga bracteosa (58.06%). The observed pollen morphology has many valuable qualitative and quantitative attributes for the better understanding of their taxonomy and play significant role in correct identification.



花粉微形态特征已被证明有助于植物分类学家对植物进行鉴定和分类。本研究的目的是使用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 和光学显微镜 (LM) 评估来自巴基斯坦开伯尔 - 普赫图赫瓦邦班努区植物群的菊科和唇形科植物的孢粉学特征,以确定它们的分类重要性。从研究区的不同地点收集了属于四属的七种紫菀属植物和分为四属的四种唇形科植物的花粉。目前的研究工作定性和定量地提供了各种形态孢粉学特征的详细信息,包括花粉形状、类型、直径、P/E 比、外壁雕刻和厚度。菊科和唇形科植物的花粉种类有三甲草酸盐、三甲草酸盐、三甲草酸盐和六甲草酸盐。观察到最大极径(40.05 μm)和赤道径(37.66 μm)Ajuga bracteoosa而最小的极地和赤道直径分别在Isodon rugosus (11.10 μm) 和Erigeron canadensis (13.20 μm) 中观察到。外壁雕刻包括; 针状、网状 scabrate、气孔状、网状-疣状、网状-scabrate、穿孔和网状至穿孔。在Helianthus tuberosus 中检查的外壁厚度最大为 1.50 μm 而在Conyza Canadensis 中最小(0.16 μm)。C Canadensis的花粉育性最高(83.33%),Ajuga bracteosa最低(58.06%)。观察到的花粉形态具有许多有价值的定性和定量属性,可以更好地理解它们的分类,并在正确识别中发挥重要作用。