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Enhancement of dielectric breakdown strength and energy storage of all-polymer films by surface flattening
Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.128476
Suibin Luo , Talha Qasim Ansari , Junyi Yu , Shuhui Yu , Pengpeng Xu , Liqiang Cao , Haitao Huang , Rong Sun

All-organic dielectric films with the significant advantage of easy processing are highly desired in electronic and electric industry. As dielectric energy storage materials, improvement of their dielectric permittivity and electric breakdown strength is a long-standing work. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) films possess excellent high temperature properties but their electric breakdown strength is largely dependent on the surface flattness. Especially, interconnecting fiber structure tends to form during calcination when an ultrathin film is fabricated through a coating process. Herein, the surface of the PTFE films was flattened with epoxy resin. A high electric breakdown strength of 555 kV/mm, which is 134% of the pure PTFE film, and an improved dielectric permittivity of 2.3 have been achieved for the PTFE film immersed in 0.5 wt% epoxy solution at room temperature. It displays a discharged energy density of 3.58 J/cm3 (2.2 times of the pure PTFE film) with 98% discharge efficiency. The achieved high electric breakdown strength is owing to the reduced local electric field at the interface between film surface and electrode according to the simulation results. Besides, it also achieved a high discharged energy density of 1.93 J/ cm3 at 150 °C with 99% efficiency. Therefore, using organic to flatten the surface of polymer films has proved significantly effective in improving the dielectric energy storage performance.



具有易于加工的显着优点的全有机电介质膜在电子和电气工业中是非常需要的。作为介电储能材料,提高介电常数和击穿强度是一项长期的工作。聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)膜具有出色的高温性能,但其电击穿强度在很大程度上取决于表面平整度。特别地,当通过涂覆工艺制造超薄膜时,互连纤维结构趋于在煅烧期间形成。在此,PTFE膜的表面用环氧树脂平坦化。对于浸在0中的PTFE膜,实现了555 kV / mm的高电击穿强度,这是纯PTFE膜的134%,并且介电常数提高到2.3。室温下为5 wt%的环氧溶液。显示的放电能量密度为3.58 J / cm3(纯PTFE膜的2.2倍),放电效率为98%。根据模拟结果,获得的高电击穿强度是由于膜表面与电极之间界面处的局部电场减小所致。此外,它还在150°C时以99%的效率实现了1.93 J / cm 3的高放电能量密度。因此,已证明使用有机物使聚合物膜的表面平坦化对于改善介电能量存储性能具有显着的效果。
