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Bird Box and Apathetic Blindness
Film Criticism ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-18 , DOI: 10.3998/fc.13761232.0043.314
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“Turn on the news, dumb-dumb,” says Jessica (Sarah Paulson) to her sister Malorie (Sandra Bullock), the protagonist of the recent streaming hit, Bird Box (S. Bier, 2018). Completely unaware of the unexplained mass suicides in East Europe, Malorie has not stocked her kitchen with groceries. She does not seem to be interested in what is going on in the world, and the alarming reports of the ongoing catastrophe on the TV is not enough to spur her into action: “Well,” after all, “it’s in Russia.” She just turns the TV off, and continues with painting in her new studio.



“打开新闻,笨蛋,”杰西卡(莎拉保尔森)对她的妹妹马洛里(桑德拉布洛克)说,她是最近流媒体热播的主角,鸟盒(S. Bier,2018)。马洛里完全不知道东欧发生的不明原因的大规模自杀事件,她的厨房里没有杂货。她似乎对世界上正在发生的事情不感兴趣,电视上持续发生的灾难令人震惊的报道不足以促使她采取行动:“好吧,”毕竟,“是在俄罗斯。” 她只是关掉电视,继续在她的新工作室里作画。