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Analogues of the Herbicide, N-Hydroxy-N-isopropyloxamate, Inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ketol-Acid Reductoisomerase and Their Prodrugs Are Promising Anti-TB Drug Leads
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c01919
Ajit Kandale 1 , Khushboo Patel 1 , Waleed M. Hussein 1 , Shun Jie Wun 1 , Shan Zheng 1 , Lendl Tan 1 , Nicholas P. West 1 , Gerhard Schenk 1, 2, 3 , Luke W. Guddat 1 , Ross P. McGeary 1

New drugs to treat tuberculosis (TB) are urgently needed to combat the increase in resistance observed among the current first-line and second-line treatments. Here, we propose ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI) as a target for anti-TB drug discovery. Twenty-two analogues of IpOHA, an inhibitor of plant KARI, were evaluated as antimycobacterial agents. The strongest inhibitor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) KARI has a Ki value of 19.7 nM, fivefold more potent than IpOHA (Ki = 97.7 nM). This and four other potent analogues are slow- and tight-binding inhibitors of MtKARI. Three compounds were cocrystallized with Staphylococcus aureus KARI and yielded crystals that diffracted to 1.6–2.0 Å resolution. Prodrugs of these compounds possess antimycobacterial activity against H37Rv, a virulent strain of human TB, with the most active compound having an MIC90 of 2.32 ± 0.04 μM. This compound demonstrates a very favorable selectivity window and represents a highly promising lead as an anti-TB agent.



迫切需要新的治疗结核病的药物,以抵抗当前一线和二线治疗中观察到的耐药性增加。在这里,我们建议酮醇酸还原异构酶(KARI)作为抗结核药物发现的目标。评估了植物KARI抑制剂IpOHA的22种类似物作为抗分枝杆菌药物。最强的抑制剂结核分枝杆菌)KARI具有ķ19.7纳米的值,比五倍IpOHA更有效(ķ= 97.7纳米)。这种和其他四个有效的类似物是Mt KARI的缓慢结合和紧密结合抑制剂。三种化合物与金黄色葡萄球菌共结晶KARI并产生衍射至1.6–2.0Å分辨率的晶体。这些化合物的前药对人结核病的强毒株H37Rv具有抗分枝杆菌活性,活性最高的化合物的MIC 90为2.32±0.04μM。该化合物显示出非常有利的选择性窗口,并作为抗结核病药物代表了非常有前途的铅。