Journal of Applied Spectroscopy ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10812-021-01111-9 S. D. Brinkevich , D. I. Brinkevich , V. S. Prosolovich , S. B. Lastovskii , A. N. Pyatlitski
Radiation-induced effects in thin films of diazoquinone–novolac photoresists on silicon irradiated with high-energy electrons (~5 MeV) were investigated by frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) IR Fourier spectroscopy. It was found that irradiation with electrons at a dose of more than 3·1015 cm–2 leads to decrease of the integral absorption at wave numbers in the region of 3700–400 cm–1. The intensity of bands due to the –O–H– and particularly aliphatic –C–H– bonds is increased most strongly during electron irradiation. At a dose of Φ = 1·1017 cm–2 the intensity of the bands due to the methylene (–CH2–) and methyl (–CH3) groups is comparable with the noise level. The intensity of the band at ~1600 cm–1, due to the vibrations of the aromatic ring, does not change at radiation doses in the range of 3·1014–1·1017 cm–2. The obtained experimental data indicate strong cross-linking of the polymeric components during irradiation with electrons. It was found that the radiation-induced changes in the FTIR spectra depend on the type of photoresist (FP9120 and S1813 G2 SP15). The experimental relationships of change in the optical characteristics of thin films of photoresists due to electrons are explained in terms of the radiation chemistry of diazoquinone–novolac resins.

通过沮丧的全内反射(FTIR)红外傅里叶光谱技术研究了重氮醌-线型光刻胶薄膜对高能电子(〜5 MeV)照射的硅的辐射诱导效应。已经发现,以大于3·10 15 cm –2的剂量照射电子会导致在3700–400 cm –1范围内的波数处的积分吸收减小。在电子辐照过程中,由–O–H–尤其是脂肪族–C–H–键引起的能带强度最强烈地增加。在Φ= 1·1017 cm –2的剂量下,由于亚甲基(–CH 2 –)和甲基(–CH 3)组与噪声水平相当。由于芳香环的振动,在〜1600 cm –1处的波段强度在3·10 14 –1·1017 cm –2范围内的辐射剂量下不会改变。获得的实验数据表明在用电子辐照期间聚合物组分的强交联。发现FTIR光谱中由辐射引起的变化取决于光刻胶的类型(FP9120和S1813 G2 SP15)。用重氮醌-线型酚醛树脂的辐射化学解释了由于电子引起的光致抗蚀剂薄膜光学特性变化的实验关系。