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Stability of the Pd/Co3O4(111) Model Catalysts in Oxidizing and Humid Environments
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c08915
Christian Schuschke 1 , Lukáš Fusek 1, 2 , Vitalii Uvarov 2 , Mykhailo Vorokhta 2 , Břetislav Šmíd 2 , Viktor Johánek 2 , Yaroslava Lykhach 1 , Jörg Libuda 1 , Josef Mysliveček 2 , Olaf Brummel 1

The oxidation state and stability of Pd nanoparticles supported on well-ordered Co3O4(111) films prepared on Ir(100) have been investigated in UHV and under both oxidizing and humid conditions by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and near ambient X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP–XPS). After preparation, the supported Pd nanoparticles (size 4 nm) were found to be predominantly metallic. Small amounts of Pd2+, resulting from the electronic metal support interaction (EMSI), were found in the form of PdO and as ionic species dissolved in Co3O4(111). Annealing of the Pd/Co3O4(111) model catalyst in UHV triggers sintering of the Pd nanoparticles but leaves the oxidation states of Pd and the substrate largely unaffected. The oxidation of Pd/Co3O4(111) is coupled with dissolution of Pd2+ species into Co3O4(111) and underlying Ir(100) resulting in a significant loss of Pd from the surface. The corresponding phenomenon occurs largely under oxidizing and, to a minor extent, under humid conditions. The reverse oxygen spillover is facilitated in the presence of Pd2+ species dissolved in Co3O4(111) yielding Pd nanoparticles supported on CoO(111). The CoO(111) support remains stable under humid conditions but is reversibly converted to Co3O4(111) under oxidizing conditions.


Pd / Co 3 O 4(111)模型催化剂在氧化和潮湿环境中的稳定性

在超高压中以及在氧化和潮湿条件下,通过扫描隧道显微镜(STM)X研究了负载在Ir(100)上制备的有序Co 3 O 4(111)薄膜上的Pd纳米颗粒的氧化态和稳定性。射线光电子能谱(XPS)和近环境X射线光电子能谱(NAP–XPS)。制备后,发现负载的Pd纳米颗粒(尺寸为4 nm)主要是金属。发现由电子金属载体相互作用(EMSI)产生的少量Pd 2+以PdO形式存在,并以溶解在Co 3 O 4中的离子形式存在(111)。Pd / Co 3 O 4的退火(111)UHV中的模型催化剂触发了Pd纳米颗粒的烧结,但使Pd和底物的氧化态基本不受影响。Pd / Co 3 O 4(111)的氧化与Pd 2+物质溶解到Co 3 O 4(111)和下面的Ir(100)结合,导致表面上Pd的大量损失。相应的现象主要发生在氧化过程中,而在较小的情况下发生在潮湿条件下。在溶解于Co 3 O 4中的Pd 2+物质的存在下,促进了反向氧气的溢出(111)产生负载在CoO(111)上的Pd纳米颗粒。CoO(111)载体在潮湿条件下保持稳定,但在氧化条件下可逆地转化为Co 3 O 4(111)。